Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Former Spook investigated for creativity

Former spy Richard Tomlinson, who famously released an autobiography of his experiences in MI6, is being investigated for writing a Novel which Special Branch believes is in breach of the Official Secrets Act.

Tomlinson's Blog, has been opened up and shut down various times by State Forces. Presently, Tomlinson and an un-named co-author have released what they have so-far written onto Richard's current Blog site. How long it stays up there is anyone's guess.

The state has even gone so far as to have the Treasury Solicitor WRITE to Mr. Tomlinson to remind him of his obligations, as a former spook, of not tattling on his friends.

The State suspects Tomlinson of a number of offenses relating to breaches of the Official Secrets Act, partly in relation to his book "The Big Breach" (which I have a copy of if you need to borrow it) for which he was later convicted. His main crime, is to be prime suspect in the release of names of serving officers in MI6.

Here is the first three lines of Richard's (apparently) debut novel, The Golden Chain:

The bags had been sitting in the corner of the backroom gathering dust for nearly three months. One smart lockable suitcase, too big for cabin luggage, and a black leather grip she had bought in Paris. She never went anywhere without the grip. The shoulder strap had been repaired at the heel bar down the road at least three times to Delaney’s knowledge, but still she would insist.
This clearly IS criminal, but not exactly in the way either Richard or the Special Branch actually consider. Naturally his followers are drooling over this latest twist in Richard's life, which the rest of us are left with the Civil Rights violations and secrecy traditions currently evident in MI6.

This begs a few serious questions, most of which are glaringly obvious, so I won't waste your time by repeating them. Use the comments to bring them up.

I was initially quite suspicious of both Tomlinson, and his MI5 colleague, David Shayler when the both seemed to be poster boys of evidence for corruption against MI5 and Mi6. I buy into the whole secret-police arguments against MI5 & 6, I do, but these two seemed deliciously suspect to me. Take for example Shaylers comments about "plots" against Gadaffi, as well as Tomlinson's assertions about the plot against Diana was an MI6 conspiracy. Am I the only person to think this is all rather... convenient?

Anyway, civil liberties, spookdom... I'm guessing you're expecting a rant about how this is all rather troubling and how they're all bad bad people. Well... they are, but only because they're against Scottish Independence. Personally, I accept that a Scottish State will need an Intelligence Dept. to deal with Organised Crime or foreign powers. Having a conscientious foreign policy clears 90% of threats against you, in my opinion, but typically the second oldest profession does have it's uses.

Clearly the OSA is as archaic as it is barbaric, and the treatment of Tomlinson and Shayler - if they are indeed rogue agents - is reprehensible. So many policies to fix come independence, so little time...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Grant Morrison

Saw this on Teigan's blog and figured both my Scottish readers would be interested in this video.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Ever Closing Drums of Tribal Music

I haven't posted in a while, and aren't likely to until at least November. Poss Mid-oct but I'm busy. I've an anti-Union vid thing for Youtube to do, a flat to clean and delocate from for three weeks and a novel to write. I'm sure you understand.

To keep you going, I'm going to impart a wee bit of culture into your otherwise worthless lives. It concerns two of my favourite bands at the moment, neither of which (to my knowledge) plug their instruments in (I like Marlyn Manson as an example of my usual tastes...)

In the beginning was Clann an Drumma and it was good. Then someone took the huff and Albannach was formed. Not sure how, why, where, when and what "musical differences" caused the split but where there was 'one' so there became two.

Firstly, a (very) brief overview:

Wiki CnD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clann_An_Drumma
Wiki Albannach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albannach

CnD's website: http://www.clannandrumma.com/
Albannach's Website: http://www.albannachonline.com/

What seemed to happen was the Joe MacKenzie wanted to rewrite the history of pipes and drums, did it, broke up his band a few times and there ended up being two bands wanting to play tribal music. Not wanting to relish in some dudes pain, but two bands as good as this deserve (a) a plug and (b) for us to like the fact that where there was one, now there is two. Am I sick to want another? (There's one called, Trybe, but I've not heard them yet. Answers at kenny.sheerin@gmail.com ...)

I'm sure you want to listen to see why I love them so much. Some musical interludes from their own websites:

Clann an Drumma:

Full list of tracks available is here: http://www.clannandrumma.com/sounds.html
Best track is this one: http://www.clannandrumma.com/clans.mp3


Ripping stuff from Albannachs website is difficult (unless you have the CD itself and I like them too much for THAT kind of copyright infringement).

Stop at their Myspace website first to listen free and easy to their music:

Then go to their official "radio station" on their website here: http://www.albannachonline.com/music.htm (you'll need WINamp to hear it, and in my opinion a comment or two from the band in between their album tracks wouldn't go amiss).

Anyway, go off and have a listen and tell me you don't enjoy it.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My Country

I have a country.

I created it.

It is mine.


This is being posted as I've now got 500 million residents. I'm so proud... Well... not entirely. I seem to have been categorised "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy". I'd much prefer "Commie Scottish Bastard" but there doesn't seem to be an option.

Oh well...

Friday, September 08, 2006

A 419 Scam template reply

Dear Sir,

thank you for your 419 Scam, but at the present time - unfortunately - I am presently being detained by the CIA in one of their secret rendition prisons.

Man - torture sucks.

Anyway, until I am released here is a picture for you to enjoy.


On 9/8/06, tarek omar <mr_taomar2004@walla.com> wrote:

Dear Friend,

Confidencial and top secret

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise. I am the bill and exchange manager in Bank of Africa. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.

We need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3million immediately to your account.The money has been dormant for may years in our Bank here without any body coming for it.

We want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer(the owner of the account)who died a long with his supposed next of kin in an air crash since July 2000.

We don't want the money to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you, so that my bank will release the money to you as the nearest person to the deceased cutomer.

Please we would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete if you are not interested.

Upon receipt of your reply, i will send you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 25% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to transact the business with us.

Bank Of Africa,Burkina Faso-West Africa
