"Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking Nerf-herder!" Old Galactic Proverb. (Note: A Nerf-herder is a herder of nerfs.)
I almost never use my camera phone, due to the fact I've got better ones. So what the hell is this?
EDIT: This just in... It's the lesser-spotted Maryhill Mob (in latin gerri trightupye) . It's Jaggy Cardoon Thistle! Woo hoo!
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Friday, August 31, 2007
better cameras or better phones?
I had a camera in my bag that's better and has a flash. Can't think why I didn't use that...
cos you were pished!! thanks for geting my good side.x
I can't deny that... Feck it. It was Elderslie. I was probably the least drunk there...
haa haaa im surprised ye got drunk in Elderslie as evrytime i looked at yer glass it was full and ermm i only seen ye go tae the bar just the once ha ha !
It was the Friends Wine I won in the raffle... honest!
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