Friday, August 22, 2008

Don't Read This

Was at Tesco’s today. Woah there Mr Rockstar (aye, I know what you were thinking)… I was getting some new work clothes (I know… sometimes it’s hard living a life that’s THIS interesting) and I passed by the T-shirt section. Now, any pro-indy types out there will know this is a regular occurrence. But basically, my eyes fell upon shoppie. Shoppie had that self-satisfied look upon her face as if she’d just given Michael Bolton the blow-job of his dreams. Shoppie was happily putting out a nambla of t-shirts (not sure on the collective noun on that one…) loosely along the lines of “Made in England – feed beer and sausages.” I didn’t stop to catch the specifics you understand. I was busy asking:



“Do you stock that in Scottish?”

Shoppie laughs and continues hanging up the Made in England T-shirts, which I now notice have a copiously large St Georges Cross emblazoned across the entire torso.

“No… really?”

“Erm… no. Actually no. There isn’t even plans for it. Ach. It’s an English Company. So whit ye gonnae do? Its no’ like they’ll sell!”

She returned to putting the t-shirts up with the excited air of a Michael Bolton fan that’s just gotten tickets to night two on his tour. I took my purchases downstairs.

I was going to write a letter. But a) I’ve done that before and… well… frankly I’ve done that so much I want to start charging now, so. B) my ‘lack of specifics’ wouldn’t go down well with whomsoever I bothered to write to. “Hello you. I’d like to complain in vaguest possible terms about you selling a pro-England t-shirt in Cumbernauld without having a Scottish alternative. Yours, Miffed of Cumbernauld.” So I didn’t.

Re-reading that, it might seem anti-English. It’s not. I want a decent pro-Scottish t-shirt a Tesco. Still, you know your empire is fucked when you try to flog a t-shirt in Scotland that no-one wants (unless they’re both English-resident and suicidal enough to wear the damn thing). I actually wanted to buy one when I got home. ‘specially for the Donald Dewar statue. It seems to tick both ‘devilish’ and ‘reasonable’ boxes.

There is that moment in every great empire when (and usually this is only in history books) when you realise that your great empire isn’t quite as bullet-proof as you might’ve previously thought. Imagine yourself in Rome, with all the history of Julius and Augustus Ceasar, of the battles with Hannibal of Carthage and just how sexy Russell Crowe was in a leather mini-skirt. And then imagine you’re a Roman soldier outside Caligula’s bedroom when he’s not quite conventionally riding a horse. That he just married. And tried to declare Consul. Your empire isn’t going to seem quite so bullet proof then, is it?

Britain and America are currently (in my own opinion) metaphorically trying to declare their horses Consul with attitudes to Religion and Government. In America, (I’m referencing a recent series by Richard Dawkins about Charles Darwin for those of you who want to 4OD it) Richard Dawkins was making the point that including Creationism in the Education system was beyond belief as Evolution has scientific backing, whereas Creationism is something that’s more akin to what Gandalf does in Lord of the Rings. And therefore to base an education system upon that detracts from the value of the education because there is no evidence involve.

Before I continue, I should outline my views on Jesus. I appreciate the philosophy (I do). Treat your neighbour as you’d treat yourself. (for me that would be a big mistake. I’ll just be nice to them instead. I think I could arrested for suggesting a Friday-nite drink-fuelled and Chow Mein-fed internet search for lesbian pornography). But… back to Jesus. Be nice to your neighbour, I can entirely get on board with that. ‘The Meek shall inherit the earth’. If that’s in a kind of co-operative Marxist way then I’m on board with that as well. So… philosophically… I like Jesus. He’s got some nice things to say. I’m not sure when he said: “I want a fucking army to SACK ACRE Mr. Pope. GETINTAE THOSE RAGHEADBASTARDS!” The whole (then and now) Crusades bit (philosophically) seems a bit out of character to be supported by a pacifist. But he HAD been dead for a good thousand years before the Pope initially crusaded. So maybe they didn’t ask. In George Dubya’s case, I think Craig Ferguson said it best on his talk show when he said: “When you talk to God it’s called praying. When God talks to you, it’s called Schizophrenia.”

My problem with religion is the typical one. I don’t believe in magic. So when Jesus is being philosophical and nice. I can dig that. When he says his mother was a virgin, I’ll just tell him that I’ve been telt that by lassies before and as a rule I don’t believe it. Especially when you see tattoos of an Arrow with the words ‘this way to heaven’. Girls from Glasgow are like that. When Jesus claims to be the son of god with crazy mystical powers, that’s when I switch the video off and go to the shops.

So, American creationism, in its whole Jesus-worshipping bit, is all about the magic. So when I was watching some servile Jesus-freak from the nice bit of America saying how it’s open-minded to suggest the world is 10,000 years old and sorcerer-apprenticed into being; that’s when I realised that America is truly fucked. When you start basing your education system on magic, you can just smell the impending implosion.

But then… It’s not exactly just THEM. Is it? Every weekend, from now untiltheendoffuckingtime I think… Tens of thousands of people converge on Glasgow. None of them Scottish (apparently). Some are British. Some are Irish. Most sound like they’re from Glasgow to me… All in the name of some wee guy who just wanted people to be nice to each other. Oh, and his maw was a virgin and he was the son of god.

It’s this bloated act of mass self-wankery that convinces me that Scotland will never have an empire. Creationism is why America is destined to die (unless the Yellowstone Supervolcano gets it first). Both are prime examples of the increasingly dubious metaphor of ‘Caligula Declaring his horse Consul’.

Now, the reason why the Union is inevitably going to kark it is simple. There are omens of cultural and social stupidity, Shoppie’s ‘Made in England’ t-shirt aside. Amongst my top 100 reasons why the Union is fucked, my number 17 is: “Sun Page 3 Girls Talk about the News.” So. Let’s say Al Queda have bombed somewhere. Smeato, apparently, was unavailable to save the day and so it’s up to Lisa (19) from Suffock to comment in a nice handy box above her nekkidness. If it was a page 3 of, say, Stella Rimington I might understand (as well as being slightly perplexed as to why she’s doing Page 3 gigs now). Call me bigoted, but I’m not sure just how much a 19 year old Razzle wannabe is going to contribute to the debate. Maybe it’s just me.

If you’ve bothered reading the post this far, if I get seven comments or more I’ll actually post up my Top 100 reasons why the Union is fucked in a blog post. Otherwise I won’t bother.


Anonymous said...

Thats a despicable post youd better remember that jesus loves you

Firefox said...

Yeah... thanks for that...

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

So thats only 4 comments to go before you publish you list.

Jesus said he loved me too but I got a court injunction taken out against him



Firefox said...

Alrighty! Know what yer saying about J. That basturt is a right stalker and a half. Hangin' aroon with twelve guys eating lentils. Know whit I think aboot that...

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

Aye. Some folk say ye should nae mock folks religious beliefs but fir me that'll stert when life's god-botherers gie me some piece.

A've read stuff oan a few faiths but it was Keith Morgan, a Wiccan who noted the hypocrisy of Priests blessing soldiers and bombs.

Although A'm Atheist masel there are certain folks a hae time fir. Often Pagans purely because there's a great deal more honesty tae them. At least the quiet solo practitioners. An they usually dinnae foist their beliefs oan ithers. But even at that there are Pagans who are complete spanners tae.



Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

Oh an a should pynt oot obviously anonymous doesnae hae the courage o his convictions. Itherwise he widnae hide ;o)

Anonymous said...

Your suggestion that the British - American empire is coming to an end:

The empire is Americas alone, Britain are just kept tagging along to help out at times.

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

You're obviously a Hun Tam, the only thing Britain ever helped was itself and usually to something belonging to someone else

Firefox said...

Tam, dunno if you're the same Tam I'm thinking of, if you are, welcome to the blog! Britain is a lapdog, right now, but a lapdog with nuclear weapons and ambitions to invade foreign countries. A rather volatile mix I think we'd all rather see ourselves out of.

Donald, it's funny you mentioned the hypocrisy of priests blessing troops and bombs, as I was raised a faithful catholic, and lost became an atheist because of that, as well as a few existential issues I had serious problems with buying.

Anonymous said...

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail - I'm not a hun but I would rather be one than a person that would use language like that to someone they didn't know. Hopefully you are 14 and don't know any better yet. If not, don't give up your day job/signing on day as diplomacy isn't your strong suit.

My point was that it is America that has the power in this current empire and that Britain are merely kept on a string to provide such services that are too messy for the yanks.

What acts Britain have committed were not the point or subject of my comment.

Firefox - I doubt I am the Tam you are thinking off. I stumbled across this blog last night.

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

Tam. If you care to read more of Kenny's articles I think it will become clear he is a Scottish Nationalist. As well as a socialist and an atheist.

From what little can be draw from your first comment you don't exactly condone the British State's involvment in the illegal invasion of several sovereign states. This could mark you as a Brit or a sympathiser.

I am a bit concerned that you appear to be hoping I am below the age of consent. Look at the trouble it cause a certain Mr Paul Gadd

Incidentally the coloquial term Hun is used by some Irish Republicans to describe Brits. It is also used by some Scots to describe both Rangers fans and BritJocks

Anonymous said...

Not sure if that was a justification of using the word or a detailed example as to why you're not on the radar of civilised society.

I'm out.

Domhnall Ruigh an t-Sabhail said...

Not quite sure why someone referring to themselves as a Bam expects any sort of intellectual conversation.

Still, as the Americans say "Don't let the door hit your ass"

And we will be mindful of your almost stimulating presence.

Bye now :o)

Firefox said...

Consider it upcoming...!

(bear in mind there's a hint of comedy about it...)

michael greenwell said...

great post,

and page 3 was only put in that piece of shit originally so they could first get the people that read that shite to turn from the sport pages and then sneak the propaganda messages in undercover, if you will pardon the crap pun.

Democracy Scotland said...

Hey Kenny, thought yourself and your readers might be interested in my new blog.

Not going to spam you, so the link is in my profile if you are interested in checking it out.

Thanks in advance,


Firefox said...

Thanks DS, will have a looksee at yer blog.

Michael, cheers as well. Isn't page 3 also where all the retraction articles end up (cos it's the least read page in the paper...)?

Anonymous said...

To be fair to the big JC, Kenny, Did he really claim all that crap of himself. Or did certain vested interests writing after the event claim it on his behalf. He might have been a nutjob freedom fighter with kalshnikov in hand, for all we really know :D
