Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Give us a damn elected President...

Apparently... your humble narrator was wrong in suggesting Freddie Windsor as being the Royal at the centre of the blackmail plot mentioned in the London Times at the Weekend.

Both Ninemsn and The New Zealand Herald name Viscount Linley as being the target of the blackmail plot. Throneout offer a lifetime supply of smarties to the person who posts the offending video on the internet. I'll match their "lifetime supply of smarties" and up that to a "lifetime supply of cremola foam and the entire Bruce Springsteen back catalogue".

This isn't a personal thing, this is almost entirely political. Our masters have decided that it is better for us to have amatuer, inbred socialites to take the top job in Scotland (President / King / Supremo / etc) rather than someone who WE can select.

Linley is 12th in line to the throne. That means that if there is a couple of car accidents we get someone who clearly isn't qualified for the role to get the job.

Sack the royals. Sack Westminster. Give a real parliament or build a bypass through that shithole in Holyrood.

Monday, October 29, 2007

J'accuse Freddie Windsor...

Royal correspondents in the "Royal Blackmail" story seem to think that Lord Frederick Windsor is the prime candidate for the target of the "sex act" blackmail on a junior member of the Royal Family.

A poster on Kevin Williamsons blog seems to think that "Sex Act" equates to one of Fergie's brats. I doubt it, because "sex act" in the tabloids almost always translates as "blow job". Factor that it with Lord Freddie already being openly gay, and a user of Cocaine (mentioned in original Sunday Times article). The "blow job" could easily be one of the Fergie girls, but the small price of the blackmail: £50,000 factored in with Freddies gayness and admission of cocaine use leads most thinkers towards him.

Being the staunch republican I am, it's always pleasant to note which Royals want to assassinate each other, shag each other and generally misrepresent the common people who make Scotland great.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I took a trip to Ben Lomond with friends... These ur the photies....

On the car trip there...

By yon bonny banks...

Another of those bonny banks...

Pier and hill

Sometimes you're better off back home...

We stop to spy some Heilan coos...

Another photie of them heilan coos...

Car window and landscape

Watering hole...

Another watering hole, with friend and kid...

My lunch

Kid number two bothering truck....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I have to put with Lanarkshire hot-heads barking at me on the phone. This means that after work, the last thing I want to do is communicate with the outside world. Still... my main survival mechanism is honesty. Brutal, blatant honesty. It bruises a few egos, but it usually works. Australia, however, has exploded this principle to a massive campaign against young drivers. And it's genius....

Read this:

It's a good idea, int'it? Don't attack the man, attack his ego.

Now onto Football fans... I've holidayed in a couple of weird places, one of which was a city in the Ukraine called Chernovtsy. This news story though highlights how little regard most football fans have for the reality of international problems. Football fans are morons, and this isn't an anti-english thing. I'm including Scots who join the Tartan army in various eastern european destinations and whichever set of supporters it is, seem surprised that they're not treated the same as if they were travelling to Falkirk. If I travel abroad (which is a rare occurance) I make sure I'm prepared and know a bit before a go over. The most football fans seem to manage to pack is the football shirt of their choice and the hope that whichever distant abroad destination they're travelling to is a bit like they're home town.

Still, funny in the ego states this week was Menzies Campbell who seemed surprised and perturbed by the fact that he was considered old. At 66. This particular hemisphere of the planet is often chastised for a lack of respect for the old. Well put it this way, respect is earned and if our pensioners don't have it, then don't look to younger generations as the source of the problem. They were the ones enacting the laws and raising the young who disrespected them. Ming was as guilty of his folly as the emperor who ordered his new clothes. He took a job and fucked it up. He underestimated people's views on his age, and failed to prove how much of a sage he was.

There's even a few in the Nationalist movement for whom I certain amount of complacency when I think of them. Ian Hamilton QC (whose blog is here) is one who has made me think. Not in a good way. For the Nationalist movement, he should be a hero. Someone who should sit at a fireplace somewhere and recount for the umpteenth time his story about the Stone of Destiny. But what I read is the ramblings of an eccentric more fitted to the BBCs Grumpy Old Men programme than someone one should respect. He seems happiest when baiting a reaction. This is something I can entirely understand, and probably HAVE done time and again, but for the life of me I'm struggling to see the point in this old relic and those like him, anymore. I don't want to read more coy defence or old age repentance, I want to hear a bit more politics and a bit more fire. I guess this is a hangover the the implosion of the Socialists and it's subsequent and interminable naval-gazing. Ian's turning into something out of Dickens or Shakespeare and not whatever he's being cast by the Nationalist movement as this week.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Risk Factor: Cannabis...

I was browsing the interweb, and found this rather weird website documenting (seriously) some "notable names" and general biogs thereof. Fair enough. Then I noticed on Kirsten Dunst's biog the term: "Risk Factor: Cannabis". In addition they provide a helpful definitive list of Hollywood A-list Dopeheads:

My personal favourite surprises on this list were Tony Bennett and Ted Bundy. Clearly Ted had either smoked too much or not nearly enough. It's that balance that's the bitch, obviously.

From what I can tell, it seems that if you're a creative type, smoke more weed, but if you're political you're fucked.

I guess it's slightly ironic then that the main political party "pro" cannabis was the one which got paranoid about who was sleeping with who, when, if they paid for it, whether they'd go to jail or not and how they don't speak anymore. Ach... poor SSP. The same thing happened with the Beatles. Too much weed and then bring sex into the mix. Bad shinto happens.... And lets be honest, neither Wings nor John Lennon's solo career was as good the Beatles. Be honest.

Still, this isn't an anti-cannabis rant. I've tried it. It wasn't as good as alcohol, but I'm not sure I'd sign a petition about how offensive / inoffensive it is. I'm not sure what this is...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Council Tax and the SNP

The SNP are a nice bunch. They want rid of the Council Tax and want to get Scotland Independent. They want wars to end and everyone to be nice, non-racist and groovy. It's like we put Karen Carpenter into power.

But there's something not quite right. Something they haven't answered. I've asked on discussion boards and never received a reply from pro-indy activists. I've asked on boards where some people claim to like me. I've asked on boards where it's rats nest. And still... no reply.

And no-one answered me. No-one even tried. Any time I brought it up, it was like... nothing.

My query is relatively simple. And I decided to ask Nicola Sturgeon since she was deputy Prime Minister (or Deputy First thingy) and also because I quite like her Bay City Rollers haircut.

I'd post you the letter I sent, but it's on my work's computer and I'm here... you can figure it out.

I asked, simply, this: I like your idea for scrapping the Council Tax. But I want to know what happens when you transfer the jobs from the Local Authority to the Inland Revenue. Do the staff members at the local authority get fired?

Before you start thinking about your own position, consider a few things I know before you jump to any conclusions. Firstly, there's over 4000 people employed across Scotland in Council Tax. Unlike some Trade Unions, Unison (which I'm a Steward for) doesn't mind striking. We've struck for pensions, pay, conditions and a whole myriad of issues. (er... there are a few bad bits, but lets gloss over them as "irrelevant" for now...)

Next, lets time travel back to a few years ago to Carolyn Leckie at an SSP Cumbernauld public meeting about the Council Tax. An old couple asked her a variant of my question. Carolyn replied: "Well... the Council can employ them elsewhere." Don't be fooled by Carolyn's reputation, that reply was dumber than you'd get from a page three girl. To "employ" them elsewhere you either have to create jobs for them where the skills they have match the skills they are going into (but we already know the jobs are going to the Inland Revenue and so that's out the windae). Alternatively, you can redeploy them to other parts of the Council. 4000 people. You see the problem?

The problem is in paragraph 3 or Raymonds reply. The SNP don't know what they're going to do with 4000 people willing to strike and take the shine off their sexy "Scrap the Council Tax" policy. This is an achilles heel of the policy and... I'm disappointed in the Government for that.

You could go for sour grapes and go: "Och well, they're all tax collectors and probably deserve it." Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. It doesn't matter. The point is that with a unionist press and lots of striking people the SNP will get a battering in the polls. If they'd thought this out, this wouldn't be a problem.

The obvious answer is to simply transfer the lot: lock, stock and watercoolers to the Inland Revenue (or whatever Scottish Version Eck and Gnasher have up their sleeves. But consider this: I pay £8 per month subs to Unison (the general fund, not the New Labour fund). Since a different trade union exists in the Inland Revenue, do you honestly think Unison is going to ignore the loss of £32,000.00 per month in subs to the PCS (who represent Civil Servants in the Inland Revenue) without striking about it? At the very least Labour is going to exploit it, and for me, the SNP haven't thought up an argument against it.

I want a fairer tax for the people, but I don't want that done by resorting to Thatcherite mass sackings in doing so. I want the Scottish Government to prove it has the mettle and (ignoring my atheism for a moment) the Wisdom of Solomon to solve a problem before it comes up. And I'm not confident they've done so.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


I'm slightly more interested in meeting a few of my bloggerino's than reading the news right now.

Take Leonna for instance, she's linked to me and she's like an internet superstar... Far too many stalkers that one wee paisley lassie should have, but if she needs hauner's I'm there... See me... I'll do anything for a link! Even Michael G has linked to me and he's like a left-wing icon these days (honestly guys: Tommy Sheridan is his bitch...)

Anyway: Legends, yes, Princess Diana: hmm.... Tony Benn... mmm...

Various videos and new articles have appeared detailing all the conspiracy theories concerning how / why / when Princess Diana died. Now, admittedly my Republicanism means that I could officially give a crap how / when / if a member of the Royalty died... but this time it was all rather public and obvious.

The strange inevitability of Diana's death meant that we plebs couldn't get a respite from the conspiratorial moral panic. We couldn't escape the Daily Express diary of Mohammed Al Fayed's Illuminati theory about how his son died. And honestly... who can blame him. "Hi... my son got himself engaged to a Bond Villian's ex-wife. Do you want a bagel?"

Throw into this mix Tony "Wedgewood" Benn and his incessant "I'm the best Socialist. Ever. No contest. Tommy Sheridan can fuck right off and George Galloway is a cunt." Seriously... I'd rather have Tommy and all his sexaholic problems than George Galloway or Tony Benn any day. I could officially give a fuck if he got jiggy with SSP party members or not. My only regret from the SSP is that Katrina Trolle didn't pose with Chanelle from Big Brother in a Daily Star spread.

I mean honestly, who believed Diana's crocodile tears for all her weapons of Mass destraction and land mines, and who believed that it wasn't Tony Benn who shut down the Scottish mines for Hunterston and Torness Nuclear power stations...

What pisses me off, isn't pointless deaths, it's pointless beliefs. You have all the answers to your legends lies and you believe them. THINK!
