Thursday, March 22, 2007


I officially feel like crap. I have this weird throat chest bug thing that means that my voice no longer exists. It's not that bad, except in the sense of ordering cigarettes.

This is a strange process when you haven't a voice. You point, skippy like, at some green cigarettes on the other side of counter and have to navigate the shop assistant towards them. My results haven't been good. I've had to reject several brands of cigarettes and the odd cigar on the grounds that they weren't the right kind. Currently, if it was me trying to get the ranger to save those kids down that mineshaft they'd be deader than your average can of mackerel in tomato sauce.

Now... the more militant of both my readers will no doubt posit the point: "So why not take the opporchancity to give up smoking? You feel like crap anyway... you'll get to be healthier and etc." Well... the thing is. A) I'm not sure I WANT to be alive when the robots take over (I took the matrix as being prophesy rather than allegory) and B) I feel like crap. Giving up smoking makes me want cough all that gunk out my lungs and feel like crap. Call me picky, but I don't want to feel EVEN MORE like crap when my immune system is at it's most vulnerable.

So, anyway, how are you?

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