Monday, December 18, 2006

Israel & Banned Websites

Hello bloggerinos,

how are we? Below is an email received which I thought I'd forward on in the interests on freedom of speech.

Le meas,


Hi. My name is Eugene Gershin. Perhaps we have met online, but more probably you don't know me from Adam. I monitor blogs for SamsonBlinded, and came across your post.

I'd like to welcome you to look at Obadiah Shoher's blog. Obadiah - an anonymous Israeli politician - writes extremely controversial articles about Israel, the Middle East politics, and terrorism.

Shoher is equally critical of Jewish and Muslim myths, and advocates political rationalism instead of moralizing.

Google banned our site from the AdWords, Yahoo blocked most pages, and Amazon deleted all reviews of Obadiah's book, Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict.

Nevertheless, 170,000 people from 78 countries read the book.

Various Internet providers ban us periodically, but you can look up the site on search engines. The mirror currently works.

Please help us spread Obadiah's message, and mention the blog in one of your posts, or link to us from I would greatly appreciate your comments.

Best wishes,
Eugene Gershin

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Blood Money to Whitechapel

I considered making a couple of political points regarding the Serial Killer on the loose in England, before I remembered that a far better writer than I had done so over a hundred years ago in response to another uncaught Serial Killer.

From The Star, 24 September 1888
Letter from George Bernard Shaw "Blood Money to Whitechapel"


SIR,-- Will you allow me to make a comment on the success of the Whitechapel murderer in calling attention for a moment to the social question? Less than a year ago the West-end press, headed by the St. James's Gazette, the Times, and the Saturday Review, were literally clamering for the blood of the people--hounding on Sir Charles Warren to thrash and muzzle the scum who dared to complain that they were starving--heaping insult and reckless calumny on those who interceded for the victims--applauding to the skies the open class bias of those magistrates and judges who zealously did their very worst in the criminal proceedings which followed--behaving, in short as the proprietary class always does behave when the workers throw it into a frenzy of terror by venturing to show their teeth. Quite lost on these journals and their patrons were indignant remonstrances, argument, speeches, and sacrifices, appeals to history, philosophy, biology, economics, and statistics; references to the reports of inspectors, registrar generals, city missionaries, Parliamentary commissions, and newspapers; collections of evidence by the five senses at every turn; and house-to-house investigations into the condition of the unemployed, all unanswered and unanswerable, and all pointing the same way. The Saturday Review was still frankly for hanging the appellants; and the Times denounced them as "pests of society." This was still the tone of the class Press as lately as the strike of the Bryant and May girls. Now all is changed. Private enterprise has succeeded where Socialism failed. Whilst we conventional Social Democrats were wasting our time on education, agitation, and organisation, some independent genius has taken the matter in hand, and by simply murdering and disembowelling four women, converted the proprietary press to an inept sort of communism. The moral is a pretty one, and the Insurrectionists, the Dynamitards, the Invincibles, and the extreme left of the Anarchist party will not be slow to draw it. "Humanity, political science, economics, and religion," they will say, "are all rot; the one argument that touches your lady and gentleman is the knife." That is so pleasant for the party of Hope and Perseverance in their toughening struggle with the party of Desperation and Death!

However, these things have to be faced. If the line to be taken is that suggested by the converted West-end papers--if the people are still to yield up their wealth to the Clanricarde class, and get what they can back as charity through Lady Bountiful, then the policy for the people is plainly a policy of terror. Every gaol blown up, every window broken, every shop looted, every corpse found disembowelled, means another ten pound note for "ransom." The riots of 1886 brought in £78,000 and a People's Palace; it remains to be seen how much these murders may prove worth to the East-end in panem et circenses. Indeed, if the habits of duchesses only admitted of their being decoyed into Whitechapel back-yards, a single experiment in slaughterhouse anatomy on an artistocratic victim might fetch in a round half million and save the necessity of sacrificing four women of the people. Such is the stark-naked reality of these abominable bastard Utopias of genteel charity, in which the poor are first to be robbed and then pauperised by way of compensation, in order that the rich man may combine the idle luxury of the protected thief with the unctuous self-satisfaction of the pious philanthropist.

The proper way to recover the rents of London for the people of London is not by charity, which is one of the worst curses of poverty, but by the municipal rate collector, who will no doubt make it sufficiently clear to the monopolists of ground value that he is not merely taking round the hat, and that the State is ready to enforce his demand, if need be. And the money thus obtained must be used by the municipality as the capital of productive industries for the better employment of the poor. I submit that this is at least a less disgusting and immoral method of relieving the East-end than the gust of bazaars and blood money which has suggested itself from the West-end point of view.--Yours, &c.,


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How Many Socialists?

How many Socialists?

Q. How many Socialist Workers Party members does it take to change a light bulb.
A. Four. One to change the bulb, one to write about it for "the paper", one to sell you "the paper" and another to follow you home and ask why you weren't at the bulb changing, if you plan to make the next one and if you were still as committed.

Q. How many Socialist Party members does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They have to wait for Peter Hadden to take the lead.

Q: How many New Labour Party members does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They haven't got a policy on that in case they lose votes.

Q: How many Stalinists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One to petition the Ministry of Light for a bulb, fifty to establish the state production quota, two hundred militia to force the factory unions to allow production of the bulb, and one to surreptitiously dial an '800' number to order an American light bulb.

Q: How many running-dog lackeys of the bourgeoisie does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, that's the proletariat's work!
A: Two. One to exploit the proletariat, and one to control the means of production!

Q: How many American Imperialist Pigs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Three - one to put in the bulb, and two to search through the cartons of inferior American produced light bulbs for one that isn't defective.

Q: How many Marxists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None, the seeds of revolution and change are within the light bulb itself.

Q: How many Spartacus members does it take to change a light bulb?
A: You can't CHANGE a light bulb!

Q: How many Trotskyites does it take to change a light bulb?
A: It's no use trying to CHANGE it; it's got to be SMASHED!!!

Q: How many anarchists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: All of them.

Q: How many Communists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two - one to screw it in, and a second to hand out leaflets.
A: One, but it takes him about 30 years to realize that the old one has burnt out.

Q: How many Chinese Red Guards does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: 10,000 - to give the bulb a cultural revolution.

Q: How many Maoists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One to screw in the bulb and a thousand to chant "Fight Darkness!"

Q: How many Green Party members does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they use light bulbs, which don't burn out, so they don't know how.

Q: How many Hoxhaists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he will be expelled as a revisionist.

Q: How many members of the RSF does it take to change a light bulb?
A: That's a cop question! Don’t Answer!!!

Q: How many members of the 32 County Sovereignty Committee does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Three. One to call in the United Nations for advice on bulb sovereignty, one to check if the light bulb was made in Ireland and one to stop Marianne punching the backs of members of Sinn Fein who are trying to prevent the light from being switched on in case their members can see.

Q: How many members of Sinn Fein does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Irrelevant: It's not included in the Good Friday Agreement

Q: How many members of IRSP does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. The ERPS can’t afford electricity. They use candles (borrowed from Strabane)!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

La Fosse in the Mail on Sunday

This story got my blog quite a few hits a while back, so I feel the need to follow it up. It's more of a "what happened next" and to show that the fall-out is still happening. Some of my contacts insist there's more to come, but honestly I'm not sure. I think too many people want to forget, but we'll see.

Have a swatch at the Mail on Sunday story anyway. As always, click to enlarge.

As always, replies in the "comments" section or in an email to:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A simple Pillar Box in Edinburgh

Back in 1953 Scottish Republicans coalesced in a way we haven't seen since those few years in the early fifties. This depressing snippet is far outweighed by what I've summarised below. The summarising is of some source material I researched with a few pointers on how to read the original stuff yourself.

To get it, I took some dates inside my head into the Mitchell Library reading room and read. This is my one and only tip.

A Collection of Ciphers

The Scots Independent reported, in 1952 how a series of Pillar Boxes would be erected with the objectionable "EiiR" monogram across Scotland by the British Government, in order to celebrate the Coronation of Elizabeth of England.

Summarised from: the
Scots Independent, December 1952, Page 2

The Pillar Box in Edinburgh

Inch Housing Scheme, Edinburgh

28 November, 1952: Pillar Box unveiled in Edinburgh. It had on it, the Royalist Cipher "EiiR". Mainstream Nationalists, disapproving of this since there had never been an Elizabeth the First to lord it over the citizens disapproved and would argue in courts. There were destined to lose.

What happened next would change things :

36 hours after the unveiling, the Pillar Box was daubed in tar.

8 days after the unveiling, the police, acting on a warning found Gelignite in a brown envelope inside the Post Box. With it was a note which read: "Danger. To the Postmaster General. We trust you will pay attention to Mr. Stuart."

22nd December, 1952: The "ii" in EiiR were daubed with white paint.
2nd January, 1953: An amatuerish attempt to blow up the pillar box was tried out.
7th February, 1953: A man hammers (and remarkably) damages the numerals on the Pillar Box
10th February, 1953: The Pillar Box is repaired
12th February, 1953: The Pillar Box is blown to pieces by a substance believed to be Gelignite.

The explosion would be claimed by two organisations: the Scottish Republican Army (the most likely candidates) and the "Hundred Men"

The pillar box in Edinburgh would inevitably be replaced. This time there was no cipher.

Summarised from: the Scots Independent, March 1953, Page 2

When even the Bailies resist...

A Bailie, sworn into becoming a magistrate who refused to acknowledge that Brenda (present -day codename for Elizabeth) was "the second" found that the person swearing him in was perfectly happy not to include the "the second" part.

From: Daily Record, "New Bailie omits part of the oath", May 9th, 1953

In Broad Daylight?

During lunch hour, Messrs Copland and Lyst shop on Sauchiehall Street had the "ii" from the Elizabethan monogram stolen by a man who, after whipping it off the display, disappeared down Wellington Street. This was in spite of being warned beforehand about it. This was also in spite of the lunchtime crowds, none of whom (conveniently for this particular protagonist) would be able to say who he, in fact, actually was or looked like.

From: Daily Record, "Crowds see man whip "ii" from EiiR display", Saturday May 23rd, 1953

And then we invaded England (again)

In an article entitled "Blue Bonnets across the Border" it is reported how Scottish Nationalists were busy targetting the "EiiR" monogram / cipher in an attempt to get Elizabeth to change this historical travesty. Specifically mentioned were areas in Northumberland and Flodden Field (quoted in the Scots Independent from the Scotsman).

Article: Scots Independent, July 1953, Page 4

Sooner or later you just have to admit defeat...

The Scots Independent ran a story on the Scottish Republican Army. It reported how the police initially viewed the SRA as "little unconnected groups of irresponsible youths." It went on to described how that "So far the SRA's [...] successful exploits include have been the destruction of EiiR Coronation symbols and the bombing of an Edinburgh Post Box because it bore the new royal cipher."

The story was ran after the Daily Mail reported how the SRA was about to link up with the IRA for a campaign. So much for disaffected youths and the enduring paranoia of journalists...

From: Scots Independent, November 1953, Page 1

What was the SRA doing?

The Scots Independent remained gripped on the SRA (as was the mainstream press at the time, circulating a series of wild claims and trials).

Three events were listed as being possibly linked to SRA activities: a raid on Milngavie Quarry for explosives, an attack on a Glasgow Labour exchange and a plan to raid a rifle club in Largs.

From: Scots Independent, January 1954, Page 3


Surprisingly, at least for Scotland's warrior culture, who are usually quicker to fight than Mike Tyson with his hotel maid, there is a legacy from this period: Despite the Agents Provocateurs, despite the Press Paranoia and the many, many arrests you'll be hard pressed to find an EiiR cipher in Scotland. It's been reported from Independent sources inside the Royal Mail in Scotland that there are no pillar boxes with the EiiR monogram in Scotland.

Up and down the country, from professional people to organised gangs a campaign was engendered and... surprise sur-fucking-prise WE WON.

The next time you read some Independence Organisation bitching about themselves on a public forum and bringing the rest of us into disrepute remember that some of us still believe. Some of us KNOW our history and our unity and the capability that we have. We remember what we achieve when we are united.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Book the First

This is intended to be the introduction of the Book the First:

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Who is Jennifer Harris?

I get a lot of weird spam, at Firefox HQ. Most of it directed towards my set up e-mail addresses that aren't the original and best one I use.

Today, I got this:

Hi Kenny,

I'd like to add you to my hi5 friends network. You have to confirm that we are friends, and we'll each get to meet more people. Please approve or reject my request by accessing the hi5 web site.

So, that's "Jennifer" and I haven't a clue who she is. Figure it's a scam, but haven't managed to work the bold Hi5 website to bother...

Anyway, aside from the paranoia, what else is going on? I'm onto the second city of GTA: San Andreas... (good for me, pointless for you).

Really not a hell of a lot. I'd been wanting to post more to the blog, but I haven't been up to much. Mostly tying up loose ends.

Anyway... how have you been?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Independence reconciling itself with Billy Connolly

"It's entirely their fault (the SNP), this new racism in Scotland, this anti-Englishness," Billy Connolly.

This, obviously, is why most Nationalists in Scotland feel disengaged from Scotland's premier gagmeister. To say that there is vitriol towards Connolly is understating things.

As someone who wants independence and watches anything with the tagline "comedy" on it, I'm one of those few people stuck in a bit of dilemma. Okay, I'll be honest, there's no real dilemma at all, I personally watch anything he's in and would buy a ticket for one of his Glasgow gigs if I could fecking get one.

But he's be anti-nat and has been for a good wee while, so how does the former webmaster of the Scottish Resistance website mediate the quotes I'd usually have nothing but the deepest, darkest contempt for?

Nationalists who dislike Connolly usually forget a couple of points about Connolly. Firstly that we live in a democacy and he's entitled to his opinion, no matter how wrong it is, and secondly, how can one take seriously the "serious" musings of a man who said: “Never trust a man, who when left alone with a tea cosey... Doesn't try it on.” For a guy with the acerbit wit Connolly has, trust me, Independence has gotten off lightly.

One of the great urban myths about Connolly is that he was excommunicated from the Catholic faith for the "crucifixion" routine. And I guess this is my point, if we can't laugh off Connolly's jibes about Independence we don't deserve Independence. He makes his job from going on stage to make people laugh, no matter how shit he feels, how depressed or genuinely happy he feels.

The reason we feel so hurt by his comments isn't because they're true; the serious ones are so laughable they should be included in his routine, but because of how damn good he is.

We don't pour over Fred Macaulay's words. Why? Because he isn't as funny. Sorry... but it's true. Besides, Fred (apparently) used to be an accountant and for reason too long to go into here, I've vowed to kill all accountants. Trust me, they aren't a loss...

I'm drifting off, aren't I? As an aside, we could also bring up one of Billy's mates, one Shaun Connery. (yes, I know I spelt that wrong...) Even though he puts his money where his mouth is, pro-indy people still slag the poor bastard off, just because he doesn't live here. I'm sorry, did I miss a meeting? Have we got nothing better to do but pour over the meanderings of celebs rather than actually do something?

It's the same with Asylum seekers, council tax, the welfare state: the biggest whingers are the ones who don't vote. My biggest arguments in my work are with people who DON'T vote? They give some tenuous statement about how the foot long, twenty name election paper "doesn't have anyone" they like. I'm not entirely sure I want idiots like that being able to vote. Seriously. Fuck the ballot paper, I'd rather they stayed at home.

“The great thing about Glasgow is that if there's a nuclear attack it'll look exactly the same afterwards.” BC

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

To act when...

You ever have one of those strange moments when you think you aren't busy, and realise the backlog of things you were doing, you hadn't really thought about.

Last night I acquired the domain and awaiting it to go up. Then, today, I was thinking about the unfinished novel, the unfinished story (both of which rock... incidentally), the project, the films, the PO BOX, this that and the other.

I don't mind, or worry about doing it all, it's just... I've got nothing planned for when it's over save hope that girl in the office dumps her boyfriend between then and now and maybe... just maybe...

Ach, fuck it.

So, how the hell are you?

Politically, things are interesting. Because Solidarity hasn't quite established itself, all the opinion polls aren't going their way. In a horrible way, it seems to vindicate my decision to stay with the SSP.

On the SSP discussion boards, there are signs of life. Those red wee bastards are still bolshie and up for a fight. I quite like that. The funniest bit on the internal boards is the "When is Solidarity going to go belly up?" sweepstake. I shouldn't entertain such juvenile brilliance, but it shows why the SSP is going to win.

Ask yourself a question, if your two main allies were the CWI (Committee for a Workers International) and the SWP (Socialist Workers Party) both of whom have a main purpose to propagate themselves whatever the cost to whomever they were allied to, who would you trust?

Anyway, lets get off that... I was at Sheriffmuir, briefly, this weekend. VERY good speech by Colin Innes of Na Fir Dileas.

My brief appearance was the result of inflated taxi fares by bloody Dunblane and Blackford taxi drivers. All of my drink and travel money was consumed by those hawking bloody drivers. Still, I made it to the battlefield, the inn and the service afterwards. Fuck it, so be it.

Now, this is a bit of a dichotomy, isn't it? I mean, left wing republican attends Jacobite commemoration? Isn't that like... weird? No. Most Socialist countries would kill for a history as rich as the Jacobite era. And since we have brothers and sisters who want to remember those brave and romantic souls who believed all too briefly... How can you not be sold by that? At the time, there wasn't a choice. There wasn't an SRSM or SSP when James VII or Bonnie Prince Charlie wanted the throne. Your choice was Germany or the ordinary Scots who said: "No! Properity and No Union." They, in the best Scottish Tradition didn't win, and so self destructed and the land was left to open up to Republicans in my tradition.

I love that Sheriffmuir spirit, and it's why I went, despite knowing I couldn't afford to stay: because Jacobitism, at the last dying moments was a moment to choose between death, glory and life. The Jacobites chose Death and Glory. How can you not respect that? How can you not love that?

Despite all my coy republican cynicism, how can you not admire something so pure, romantic and historic. There was no 1940 French Surrender for Scotland. We founght till we dropped. There was no Chamberlain "I have a message from Chancellor Hitler" appeasement. Our ancestors said: "Fuck it. So be it."

And this, coincidentally, is why I'm still in the SSP. Not because it's convenient, not because we're going to win, but because it's RIGHT. Tommy S DID screw them, big time. Tommy WAS a liar. In the end, the eleven who stood against him, and were vilified by that verdict deserve to be supported.

Ach, fuck it. So be it.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Films, philandering and some appeals

I've been toying with the idea of a podcast. The thing is, I didn't just want to go for one of those ones that was only music, equally I wanted a wee bit and not just all talk. Part of me was thinking about blagging an SSP member or and Indy First dude or dudette for some music and talkyness. I'd ask the Siol but they're notoriously shy...

I have a couple of videos things to finish. One is a historical anti-union video exploring how the treaty of union has been broken, with pieces on the various rebellions and uprisings that have occurred. A) I haven't got enough pictures for it B) the easiest method to get all the information I have is for me to talk on it, and I don't have the technology to mix my voice and the music on the background.

I wanted to films parts of Operation Wishyouwerenthere for the Nine of Diamonds Project. Also wanted more people involved (there's a few, but I'd like some submissions from readers of this blog for it as well. Be creative, be pro-independence and submit to NODP operations

On the Nine of Diamonds Project, on the website is an anti-war operation called "Operation Guantanamo Bay." I need two things: some orange overalls and a shop dummy. I reckon the latter is easy, but does anyone know if the Orange overalls are a particular style or just effing orange?

In other news, I've been playing GTA: San Andreas. It's the whole Civilisation III problem all over again. I'm addicted to the smegging thing... Ach well, addictive personality and all that.

It's a great day for America (ish...)

1. Jose Daniel Ortega Saavedra - or Daniel Ortega - a former Marxist Revolutionary (and by Marxist Revolutionary I mean urban guerrilla and not just selling the Socialist Voice in a shopping centre) has been elected President of Nicaragua. (South America admittedly, but who am I to avoid mentioning this?)
2. The American Electorate - has officially told George Dubya that they're not happy with him by voting Democrat in the mid term elections (which - unfortunately - is only marginally less Right Wing than the BNP)
3. Britney is getting a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Normally I could care less about the Madonna's heir apparent, but since Kevin Spears has a porn tape of her I'm guessing we'll all be illegally downloading that from frostwire in due course.

Which party are you most affiliated with?

You scored as SSP. You should vote for the Scottish Socialist Party. It is led by Colin Fox. This party takes a far left stance and wants to turn Scotland into a communist state.







Lib Dems








Which political party in Scotland should you vote for?
created with

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ben *did not* kill Willie Macrae

This is a post, from a dead thread, on a pointless forum scattered on the outskirts of the internet. I'm putting here for... posterity. Actually I want to keep it for a while as the forum it's on seems to have deleted the thread and thanks to Auntie Google, the cache is still available (for now). I'm interested in paranoia.

From: (this may not work... if it doesn't, go to google and type (with quote marks - "willie macrae" UFO - and then click the cache link on the first post.

MEMO ONE: The Denial

I'm sitting here listening to Springsteen and contemplating the crazy life I once had! However due to the power of the internet and reflecting on some of the conspiracies that have been appearing on the net I decided to nip this one in the bud.

Many years ago a Scottish Solicitor died in suspiscious circumstances. Books were written, newspapers ran articles in other words people cashed in. Who did they suspect of the murder of Willie Macrae? Me.

It is a mystery, one that I can explain. I know how Willie died but no-one is prepared to listen to the truth. An internet campaign has now been launched and a new judicial process has been set up to investigate his death but let me tell you here and now IT WAS NOT ME. THE MAN COMMITTED SUICIDE!!

Only today I found this on a web site. Although it does not name me as the killer this is the beginning of it all coming back to haunt me. I DID NOT KILL HIM. I was on another assignment in England at the time. I have never been questioned by anyone over this and yet the media continue to speculate that it was me. I could never hurt anyone. Willie Macrae was not hurt by anyone other than himself.

What I found was this (And I know there's more)


Who killed Willie MacRae? The Mysterious Death Of An Activist
By Dave Leadbetter (1990)

Five Years ago the charismatic nationalist Willie MacRae was found dead in his car on the road to Kyle.; Was it suicide or was it murder?

Glasgow solicitor, Willie MacRae was regarded by many discerning Nationalists as uniquely well qualified to lead Scotland into Independence. His combination of total dedication, uncompromising integrity, outstanding oratical ability, charisma and sheer intellect endeared him to all. Although not a Republican or Socialist we have much cause to honour him: not least for his magnificent fight against Nuclear Waste dumping. The victor of the Mullwhacher Enquiry, against nuclear dumping there, and joint founder of the "Oystercatcher Movement", against dumping in Glen Etive, was the the nuclear lobby's most formidable and feared antagonist in Scotland.

A life long SNP member, Willie was at various times legal adviser to, Vice Chair of and Parliamentary Candidate for that Party. No "narrow nationalist", he was simultaneously a captain in the Royal Indian Navy and a true friend of Indian Independence. The author of Israel's Maritime Law Code and emeritus Professor in the University of Haifa. After his death Israel planted a 3,000 tree forest in his memory. Yet Willie could and did make a busy commercial practise take second place to the problems of an Asian client in Glasgow, a neighbour in Kintail, or someone whose Civil Rights seemed endangered anywhere.

April 6, anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath was regarded by Willie - and many others - as Scotland's Independence Day. Many Scots gather at Willie's cairn each year on the Anniversary of his murder.


In the early evening of Good Friday, April 5 1985, Willie MacRae drove out of Glasgow towards his native Highland home in Wester Ross. He seems never to have arrived there.

About the middle of the next morning Willie was found (initially it is said by a holidaying Australian Air Pilot) unconscious in his car which had gone of the road, close to where his Memorial Cairn and Flagpost now stand.

Subsequently - just how subsequently is a point very much at issue - he was discovered to be suffering from injuries caused by a gunshot wound without ever regaining consciousness.

Later a handgun (alleged to have belonged to the deceased and to have been fired TWICE) was found, but too far from the car to have fallen from the hand of a suicide or have been thrown by someone who had shot himself. Until now the (non-partisan) MacRae Society with help from his friends in the media and the law; the London based 'Inquest', the odd MP, such as the late Bob MacTaggart of Glasgow Central, has battled unremittently to establish the truth only to see its efforts thwarted by official obstruction. In a situation where every circumstance reeked of suspicion, the Government response has ever been: no suspicious circumstances, no prosecution, no fatal accident enquiry. NO, NO, NO!


One particularly choice example deserves especial mention. A Dean of the Crown Office, who should know better, wrote to the Society about the 'impropriety' of the "Crown" appearing to interfere in 'The affairs of another political party' by holding a Fatal Accident Inquiry into his death. This letter takes the prize for constitutional illiteracy. The supposed advantage of having a 'Crown' at all is that it is not supposed to be a political party (otherwise WE would have to pay for all its lost deposits) but also the hypocrisy prize. The Crown interferes all right, not to institute enquiry, but to suppress it.


The situation has now been transformed by the Conway Report. John Conway is a lay member of the 'Justice' organisation, which has righted so many wrongs, and a former CID officer, who has pursued his own 'Independent Enquiry' - and forwarded the results to, among others, the MacRae family, the MacRae Society and the UK Prime Minister. Only the Sunday Post and the Morning Star (which consistently raised the issues arising from Willie's death) and the SWR have so far published the report. Others, though, have expressed interest.


Mr Conway has discovered much new and interesting material. That Willie's briefcase was ransacked was always suspected by us, but that his pockets were also gone through and valuable items removed therefrom by persons unknown we did not know.

The chief value of the report lies in Mr Conway's findings about the fate of the official investigation into Willie's death. Mr Conway alleges;

1) That MI5 had an interest in Willie dating back to his wartime service in India, where he acquired the MI5 label of a 'character likely to engage in subversive activities'
2) That in his own political campaigning his outspoken criticisms ... and... ardent Nationalism inevitably brought him under the eye of the police Special Branch who regularly attended his meetings, and with whom he was on first name terms.
3) That 'the North of Scotland being a NATO sensitive area Willie's views on all things nuclear were particularly unwelcome as were his views on dumping of toxic waste.'
4) That it can be said without any doubt Willie MacRae both as a politician and a lawyer had made enemies and also incurs the displeasure of people in high places. Of this he was well aware, but disregarded warnings of possible reprisals and persisted in going his own way.'
5) That ' because of who and what he was, Willie MacRae had been a known person to not only the security service MI5 but also the Special Branch officers of Strathclyde Police and the Northern Constabularly.'
6) That 'as this was a suspicious death and the man was of interest to the security services it was necessary to refer the matter through the Special Branch Regional Co-ordinator to the security services and police liaison officer ... at the Home Office.'
7) That Government policy in these matters is to sweep it under the carpet 'and so it was that within a few hours of its commencement the police investigation comes to an abrupt halt.'

It seems that it was the abruptness of this halt which first made the experienced Mr Conway realise that something was amiss. Even open and shut police enquiries are rarely wrapped up so precipitately. The authorities too, he says, realised that they had dropped something of a clanger. The Northern Constabulary were held to be "in error" - not, of course, for terminating the enquiry but for making it too apparent that they had done so. The Procurator Fiscal's 2nd Report of July 1985 was the predictable cosmetic result.


Ben speaking again now. The investigation was a fuck up. But the facts remain. He committed suicide!!!! I will be posting more to show how and why people think it was really done. Just remember the name will you please? He is central to this!!!!


Memo 2: Willie Macrae and Nuclear Power

Here's another load of bollocks I found on line;-

I have a strong suspicion that something covert is going on at a place called Glensanda, which is situated not far from this "neck of the woods". We are all led to believe that a straightforward - albeit technical - quarrying operation is taking place which involves boring and cutting down vertically from the top [Glory Holing?] of a mountain in order to extract granite from a tunnel outlet in the side of the hill, for shipment to the USA for road building requirements! You may well be aware of this superquarry, or of another which has been proposed for the Island of Harris in the Western Isles, where considerable publicity has been generated by those islanders in their objection to the proposed site.

The large and wild mountainous area containing the Glensanda mining operations is located on a point of land bordered by the sea loch, Loch Linnhe, and the Sound of Mull. There are no roads accessing the site and as far as I am aware no recognized hill tracks available to gain access should one want to do so. Should an attempt be made by someone to venture across the wild mountains and moorland and finally reach the Glensanda site, I am told that they would be confronted by a high perimeter fence patrolled by security guards. It is also said that the workers there are under some for of secrecy oath. Machinery and heavy excavating equipment is ferried across Loch Linnhe from Barcaldine, North of Oban. A few years ago it was rumoured that a piece of equipment was sabotaged at the site. For what reason I wonder, if there was nothing to hide; it a being conventional quarry operation?

Back in 1985 a Scottish solicitor and Scottish National Party activist, William MacRae was found dead in his car a short distance off the A87 road between Invergarry and Kyle of Lochalsh in the North West highlands. He's been shot in the head with a handgun. The official verdict was suicide. But it wasn't as straightforward as that, as the gun he had used was found to be too far away for MacRae to have thrown it after e supposedly shooting himself. The murder has never been satisfactorily explained, and much has been written about the tragic incident in the local press over the years. A full and comprehensive account (a complete chapter of 28 pages) has also been written by Andrew Murray Scott and Ian Macleay in "Britain's Secret War - Tartan Terrorism and the Anglo American State" suggesting that Willie MacRae may have been about to reveal state secrets which were better kept with the "powers that be" for reasons of national security.

I cannot help wondering whether Willie knew about plans for creating a nuclear dump site at Glensanda and because of the recently previous concern amongst Scots, and Highlanders particularly, was silenced in order to prevent him from revealing long term plans regarding the siting of nuclear waste dumps. The Atomic Energy Authority hated him for his vociferous rejections of their attempted underhanded methods of dodging and avoiding planning permission when searching for sites in the Highlands. Seemingly Willie was highly elated a short time before his "execution", quoting several times to his close friends "I've got them. I've got them". What he was referring to was has never been revealed but I can't help wondering if it had something to do with Glensanda. MI5 and the Special Branch were constantly on his tail. This has been well documented. That Willie MacRae was undoubtedly one of Britain's greatest seekers of the truth and sought to expose cover-ups and release pertinent information to the subjects of this country is admirably summed up by Alan Clayton writing to the "Scotsman" on 9th April 1988, when he wrote:- "To my mind it is abundantly clear that Willie MacRae was a well established dangerous and deadly enemy of a state which will go to apparently any lengths to sustain and protect itself.

Ben again. If anyone cares to read the book which I highlighted they will discover that not only am I named as the potential killer but they also write a whole heap of other shit about me. NONE OF WHICH IS TRUE!!!!! I cannot sue as I would have to lodge $120,000 with a court before going to trial. I simly cannot afford that and they know it. That's why the lies keep going. Forever lying. The media can do this coz they have the power and the money!!!! They are scum!!!


Memo 3: Who is Ben?

Because I was an undercover Special Branch agent who's cover story for that night was that I was in the Highlands (When in fact I was in England). The authorities know this but the media don't so it's the media who keep placing me at the scene!!!!


Memo 4: What was Ben doing?

I infiltrated a cell of terrorists of which Willie Macrae was aware and had (He was gay) a relationship with one of them. It was the ending of this relationship that led Willie to commit suicide. But he did it in a strange manner that's all, and bad policework has made it look like murder. As I said I was in England but the authorities cannot say where in England because of what was going on there at the time!!! So I'm stuck with my Highlands alibi and the media look no further than me!!!


Memo 5: Why is Ben paranoid?

I just found another one!!! It's like 1985 all over again!!!

Willie MacRae was a Scottish nationalist best remembered for the mystery surrounding his death.

MacRae was an active member of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and a prominent anti-nuclear campaigner. A qualified solicitor, MacRae had in fact contested the SNP leadership in 1979, coming third in a three-way contest with 52 votes to Stephen Maxwell's 117 votes and winner Gordon Wilson's 530 votes.

He was active outwith Scotland too, having served in the Royal Indian Navy becoming friendly to the campaign for independence for India. He was also the author of the maritime law code of Israel and emeritus professor in the University of Haifa. After his death a forest of 3,000 trees was planted in Israel to mark his passing.

MacRae's death is shrouded in mystery. On April 5, 1985 he was driving from Glasgow to his home in the Scottish highlands but never made it back. The next day he was found unconscious suffering from gunshot wounds, subsequently dying without ever regaining consciousness.

A handgun was later found near to where MacRae was found, said to belong to the deceased and having been fired twice. The official verdict in the inquest into his death was suicide, but many individuals refuse to believe this is the case. Many argue that in fact he was killed by the secret services due to his political activity inside the SNP, and the high profile campaigning he was involved with against nuclear dumping in Scotland, although this has never been proved.


What I saw in Glasgow today

I thought i'd blog this photo.

Saw it across the road from the Solid Rock Cafe on Hope Street.

Dodgy photo, dodgy camera...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Family Fortune Funny Answers

The funniest and best list of Family Fortunes answers. (Contestants from the ITV Family Fortunes game-show are asked to guess the most popular answers to questions posed in a survey.) Family Fortunes is still shown on TV and remains a rich source of hilariously funny answers like these below.

family fortunes answers

An instrument you can play while walking in the street: "A cello.."

A type of oil: "Sewing-machine oil.."

A word beginning with Z: "Xylophone.."

A slang word for a girl: "Slag.."

An animal with horns: "A bee..."

A medieval weapon: "Hand-grenade.."

Something made of wool: "A sheep.."

Something a bridegroom might wear: "A dress.."

Someone you wouldn't expect to see in a strip club: "Animals.."

An animal with a long tail: "A rabbit.."

Something a train-spotter would have in his pocket: "A magnifying glass.."

Something you put out for the birds: "Worms.."

A way to prevent snoring: "Put a pillow over his face.."

A word used to describe a very hot day: "A very hot day.."

A song from 'The Sound Of Music': "Dancing Queen.."
(Also from the same family: "I wake up each morning..", "The skies are blue..", and "Over the hills and far away..")

Someone who works early hours: "A burglar.."

Something made to be wheeled around: "A hammer.."

A reason for kneeling: "To be beheaded.."

A nickname for a slim person: "Slimmy.."

A measurement of liquid: "Paint.."

Something that's nice to wear next to your skin: "Pants.."

A famous Dick: "Carrot.."

A wild animal that's native to Britain: "A bear.."

Something that Father Christmas does when he comes to your house: "Feeds your pets.."

Something that comes in 7's: "Fingers.."

A vocalist known by only one name: "Michael Jackson.."

A yellow fruit: "Orange.."

An animal beginning with B: "Bullfrog.."

Something associated with Liverpool: "The Yellow Brick Road.."

A boy mentioned in a nursery rhyme: "Little Red Riding Hood.."

Something associated with Queen Victoria: "Her husbands.."

Something you hide in your socks when you go swimming: "Your legs.."

A place you would keep a pen: "A zoo.."

Something you beat: "An apple.."

Something associated with rain: "Water.."

An animal that lives in the English countryside: "A lion.."

Something you make into a ball: "Eggs.."

A game that uses a black ball: "Darts.."

A popular TV soap: "Dove.."

Other than 'carrier', a type of bag: "Horse.."

Something you might find in a garage: "a grand piano.."

Something a Frenchman would say Answer: "On Garde.."

A fast animal: "A hippo.."

Something you keep in the garden: "A cat.."

Something that gives you goosebumps: "Mumps.."

A character from Little Red Riding Hood: "Hansel and Gretel.."

Something that has a shell: "Batman.."

Any dance apart from the waltz: "The ball dance.."

Something a policeman might say: "Spread 'em.."

Something that frightens Dracula: "The King of the Vampires.."

A non-living object with legs: "A plant.."

An animal associated with a nursery rhyme: "Andy Pandy.."

A mode of transport that you can walk in: "Your shoes.."

An animal with big ears: "A bear.."

Something you do on water: "Wallpaper.."

A musical instrument you can play in the bath: "A drum kit.."

Something associated with Egypt: "Cigars.."

A part of your body you only have one of: "Your big toe.."

Something you pull: "A potato.."

An animal used as a form of transport: "A turtle.."

A famous Phil or Philip: "Phil Johnson.."

A habit people try to give up: "Spitting.."

A Thunderbirds character: "Doctor Spock.."

Another TV gameshow with the word 'family' in the title: "The Generation Game.."

A seaside resort on the south coast: " Rio de Janeiro.."

Something with a red light on it: "a Dalek.."

Something that makes you scream: "A squirrel.."

A food than can easily be eaten without chewing: "Chips.."

A type of record: "A floppy disk.."

A type of large cat: "Persian.."

A job that a working dog does: "A slave.."

Something people might be allergic to: "Skiing.."

A well known superstition: "Running in front of a car.."

Something you use a microchip in: "A fish-fryer.."

A game played in the dark: "Charades.."

A part of the body you have more than two of: "Arms.."

Something you find on a fire engine: "Coal.."

An item of clothing worn by the Three Muskateers: "A horse.."

An animal you see at the zoo: "Dog.."

Something you might do in a power cut: "Read a book.."

A famous Parisian landmark: "Hawaii.."

One of Harry Enfield's characters: "Sooty.."

A famous Irishman: "Disraeli.."

The first place detectives look for fingerprints: "The floor.."

Something you associate with the sea: "A coffin.."

A famous Arthur: "Shakespeare.."

A type of cut: "Skull.."

A weapon in the game of Cluedo: "Dice.."

Something people take to the beach: "Turkey.."

A reason someone digs a hole in the road: "Grave digger.."

An ingredient in chicken stuffing: "Chicken.."

Something a girl should know about a man before marrying him: "His name.."

A bird with a long neck: "A blackbird.."

An item of clothing a woman might borrow from a man: "Underpants.."

Something taken from a hotel as a souvenir: "The lamps.."

Something you keep in a garden shed: "A gardener.."

A famous Wild-West character: "Wild Bill Eacock.."

Something you'd associate with the three bears: "Red Riding Hood.."

Fruit used in fruit salad: "Cucumber.."

A method of cooking fish: "Cod.."

Something you borrow from your partner: "Shoes.."

Something with a hole in it: "A window.."

Something you do in the bathroom: "Decorate.."

The last thing you take off before going to bed: "Your feet.."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From Independence to where?

The Text ordering the massacre of Glencoe.

Feb. 12, 1692
You are hereby ordered to fall upon the Rebels, the MacDonalds of Glencoe, and put all to the sword under 70. You are to have especial care, that the Old Fox and his Sons do upon no account escape your Hands, you are to secure all the avenues that no man can escape: this you are to put in Execution at five a Clock in the Morning precisely, and by that time or very shortly after it, I’ll strive to be at you with a stronger party. If I do not come at five, you are not to tarry for me but fall on. This is by the King’s Special command, for the good and safety of the country, that these miscreants may be cut off root and branch. See that this be put in execution without Feud or Favor, else you may expect to be treated as not true to the King or Government nor a man fit to carry Commission in the King’s Service. Expecting you will not fail in the fulfilling hereof as you love yourself, I subscribed these with my hand.
Signed Robert Duncanson
For Their Majesties Service
To Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon

On February 14, 1692 it was you at Glencoe being slaughtered.

When the clansmen were being slaughtered it wasn't just a violent attack on people, it was violation of rights, laws, customs and history that echoes down to us to this very day. Today, atrocities carried out by Westminster remain the mainstay of it's actions to solve problems in the way it was back then. That is why were are here.

Getting Independence isn't just a matter of getting one vote, it's the matter of surviving every vote until that final YES comes. Can we build an Independence landslide mass movement that survives it's own Glencoe?

Look at the poor and innocent, shackled and trapped inside Guantanamo Bay and tell me the atrocity at Glencoe is a thing of the past. How can we call ourselves civilised when we accept such an appalling travesty of human rights?

Whether it be a silent malevolent press or a spiteful government, every big gun against Independence is being polished and we have to start planning for the unthinkable as well as the unbelievable.

Should we win the vote, we need to start planning what’s next. Jacobites will have to plan how to bring about their chosen successors ascention. Republicans will have to plan to give the people back their power. Socialists will have to plan in Red and get the workers to rise.

But what if there is another Unionist Coalition (maybe expanded with Greens or reduced in number)? I’ve been here before. This is my own Groundhog day: living to believe again and again and again until Independence Day. But that’s my point. On the basis of what I’ve seen before: Independence parties don’t gain power and then shed members by the trainload because they honestly believed that once, just once…

We need to pace ourselves because with or without Independence the fight continues. If you’re planning on getting a life after the election in 2007 you might as well quit now and stop wasting the rest of our collective time.

If we win before the end of the Iraq / Afghanistan quagmire we’ll need to make sure that we get our boys back from the slaughterhouse we created and back to doing supporting the people rather than building up the revenues of Haliburton or whatever company George Dubya and Tony Blair is going to be on the board of when they’re out of the oval office.

If we have to wait another four more years for a chance to get a government, we need to maintain the pressure between the start and finish so that it’s THE ONLY ISSUE worth talking about. And that means multiple rallys, over multiple years. This is because this is the only chance our fellow Scots have of raising our political lives to the point where it exploits Scotland for the benefit of those who live here rather than feeding a monster in a host of old school ties with old world lies.

That is the difference between a tragedy and an atrocity. An atrocity can be avoided by the actions of good people. Look at the mobilisation of the Serbians against Milosevic, or by the South Africans against Apartheid. It took time, it took willpower and it took ordinary people looking defeat in the eye time after time after time.

To hell with tradition, damn how pretty the queen looks and how “it’s always been this way and it’s how it works.” I want to free the common man or woman of my country and raise from the subjects they are to the citizens they crave but don’t believe they can be.

We only need to win once. Westminster has to win always to avoid independence.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

SRSM Disaffiliates from the SSP

The following is a letter sent to the SSP [National Secretary Pam Currie] by the SRSM:

Dear Pam,

I write you to notify you that the SRSM platform has taken the decision to disaffiliate from the Scottish Socialist Party. This decision was taken at an EGM on Thursday 19 October.

The catalyst was certainly the recent handling of our motion to conference to entrench clause 5 of the Party's constitution – the third time that he motion has been talked out. You will be aware that the reasons given by the platform was the final straw, for some, who found the explanation unacceptable. I must say that the Chair's remarks, when questioned by one of our members, were highly subjective. We believe that over the past few years sections of the Party did not want this passed and sought to portray the motion as bureaucratic and anti-democratic.

However, the wider reason for our decision is the Party's minimal activity on the national question. While there is no doubting the SSP's unequivocal stance for a Scottish Socialist Republic that has been made clear in manifestoes, there is doubt within the SRSM about how the Party intends to carry it forward. We believe that our cause has been relegated behind a list of issues rather than made central to these issues. I do not mean to open up a long political argument. I merely intend to at least give you the courtesy of a reason. This was a majority decision. A minority of SRSM members, myself included, intend to stay in the Party as individual members. I trust that the SRSM's status as a cross-party movement will mean that this should not pose a conflict.

Yours faithfully,

Gerry Cairns



Saturday, October 28, 2006


You'll notice I've redecorated the place a smidgeon.

I've added a few feeds from places I get information from.

Man... I'm starting to love Google and it's association of companies. The Feedburner bit on the Blogger Beta was inspired.

By the time you've read this I may have found an "alternate science" feed and a "music" feed as well...

Check right, someone's gonnae have done it at some point.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Art as Simplification of Life

I sat next to a guy in work once called Barry. He was an artist trapped in the same shitty job I was and managed to escape to something FAR more interesting. Not quite art yet, but he's on his way.

Check out his stuff: Barry's Art Page

It (as you can see from the left) is astonishingly good.

This proves it then, shit jobs and unhappiness make excellent bedfellows with talent in art. Orson Welles in the third man commented about The Borgia's and the Renaissance and how Switzerland only managed the pigging cuckoo clock (joke courtesy of Craig Ferguson... ahem...)

Anyway. You HAVE to click the link. I won't forgive you otherwise.

Besides, I'm trying to talk him into letting me use that picture for my debut novel...

We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Firefox Chronicles Indy First Video

I'm not a folk music fan. That's why the video below doesn't contain any. It's not that I dislike it, it's just I only ever listen when I'm at the various events I go to.

This is an experiment for me. There are a number of far better vids out there, but I figured I'd have a play around with both YouTube and Windows Movie Maker. Bear in mind there is a disintegration of quality on YouTube (because they prefer it to be fast rather than have quality).

Joe Middleton ( and wrote a good piece about the march:

Have a swatch:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Draft Two of my Novel is complete. Fanks to Mumsie Firefox for the use of her computer while I was delocated from Firefox HQ.

And that bastard thing still isn't done. It was my fault entirely. I had included what was intended to be an 'ironic' character in my sci-fi comedy. It then transpired that it is in fact impossible to create an 'ironic' character using the name 'The Widowmaker'. Who'd've thunk it...

Anyway, there are two female characters he can be replaced by (which DOES work...) So rewrite three will have to get rid of a number of pointless tricks I tried.

My favourite line from the Novel is from a Character called Ben: "My friend Mhari knows a word called ferapy and finks you need it."

So... how are you? I can tell at least a couple of my three readers checked out the Tribal Music post (and someone even replied... it happens so rarely I barely check...)

I also had an e-mail about my rant about "Francis the Second" and who "Francis the First" was and then proceeded to threaten a "Pillar Box War part two" in an otherwise relatively well received article. Firstly, thanks to Jovan for taking the trouble to e-mail me. Always appreciate contact. When I'm not on dial-up I'll reply (still at Mumsie Firefox's).

I will (therefore) explain to the rest of you about Francis I. It is not that I didn't "know" who Francis I was. It was just that I didn't actually care. I checked Wikipedia for him, and a couple of online sources and soon realised I wanted to go to "mysistershotfriend" and consequently stopped and went for a cold shower. And that was my point. However legitimate a claimant he may or may not have been, he lost. Bonnie Prince Charlie TRIED and failed. From what I can tell, the later ones didn't even try. Why am I supposed to care?

The same is true of Elizabeth the Second, while she may well have had an ancestor called 'Elizabeth I' a) I remain "uncaring" because she's royalty and b) we never had an Elizabeth I in SCOTLAND. You need to remember that I'm a Republican and while I can tell you what colour clothes Scottish Republican John Baird wore while in the army regiment he was in a good ten years before the 1820 insurrection (Green - he wasn't a Red Coat) I haven't researched too much shinto about Jacobite claimants.

I know I'm not interested in it and act accordingly. Fortuntely I know people who ARE into that kind of thing, and their enthusiasm and general interest in their subject usually makes it more entertaining to listen to.

I'm happy to publish a Jacobite article or two explaining things I've little chance of researching. Besides, I like Jacobites. Don't agree with them, but think they're perfectly nice and fun people to get drunk with at commemorations, and you can't say fairer than that. So, there you have it: a free offer of Jacobite propaganda on a Scottish Republican Website. We'll call it an Xmas present. My e-mail address is on the right. Mark the subject heading: "You are a Commie Republican Bastard."

Anyway, bored now, bye.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ted Christopher and William Wallace

Ted Christopher, widely acknowledged as a well accomplished mistrel of the Scottish variety, has a few interesting things to say about William Wallace at the few events I've seen him speak at.

I've seen him at Elderslie, Stonehaven and, more recently, at the Independence First march and Rally in Edinburgh.

He has a bit, where he mentions, almost in passing that politicians are as scared of William Wallace as they were back in the day when they had him brutally executed.

Every time I've heard it (and it's not been for the first time at Embra) it has been met with a general - and usually loud - murmur of agreement. I think the most precient, however, was at yesterday's rally. Maybe it because the Rally just about matched expectations, or maybe it was because the matchstick vichy parly was the background to his songs and views.

For me, the William Wallace I have read about would be rabble-rounding inside the chamber, demanding something a bit more substantial than pointless epitaphs on sporting acheievements being given cursory mentions as "Motions" inside something built for Scots designed by someone with the artistic eye of a blind banana inspector.

This, as I growled from the crowd at Bill Speirs at the Elderslie Rally, was Revisionism, which I usually despise. In my belief system, I can't 'argue' what William Wallace may or may not have done but seek to do what I believe should or should not be done. Therefore instead of William slamming the desks of Parliament demanding something better, then would I be willing to do it myself?

But the general agreement that Ted's words got, was a point that I took away from all times I've seen him speak it. It wasn't because they just wanted to give William a simple "gaun yersel" but because they actually bought into it. It seems astonishing to exist as a threat, 701 years after your own death. Robert the Bruce never achieved that, and he was the superior military tactician as well as general.

I think you could even see the spirit of Wallace inside Neil Caple as he spoke between each "act" and was, at one point heckled by someone who didn't know and cared less about. Instead he wanted him to make his points to "his face" and in due course sent him homewards tae think again. I've got to say I especially liked that bit. For info, if you're intending to heckle someone with a microphone, it makes less sense if the crowd can't hear you, no matter how benign and 'high brow' your points might or might not be.

William Wallace was walking amongst us in the crowd yesterday. The police were around trying to find him. He's still a wanted man, 701 years later. The real big yin still scares unionists and despite what Bill Spiers thinks, he still gives a fuck about US; unlike the Trade Unions, unlike the Labour Party, and unlike all the plastic unionists too delusional to realise that the day is coming when we shall rise again.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Former Spook investigated for creativity

Former spy Richard Tomlinson, who famously released an autobiography of his experiences in MI6, is being investigated for writing a Novel which Special Branch believes is in breach of the Official Secrets Act.

Tomlinson's Blog, has been opened up and shut down various times by State Forces. Presently, Tomlinson and an un-named co-author have released what they have so-far written onto Richard's current Blog site. How long it stays up there is anyone's guess.

The state has even gone so far as to have the Treasury Solicitor WRITE to Mr. Tomlinson to remind him of his obligations, as a former spook, of not tattling on his friends.

The State suspects Tomlinson of a number of offenses relating to breaches of the Official Secrets Act, partly in relation to his book "The Big Breach" (which I have a copy of if you need to borrow it) for which he was later convicted. His main crime, is to be prime suspect in the release of names of serving officers in MI6.

Here is the first three lines of Richard's (apparently) debut novel, The Golden Chain:

The bags had been sitting in the corner of the backroom gathering dust for nearly three months. One smart lockable suitcase, too big for cabin luggage, and a black leather grip she had bought in Paris. She never went anywhere without the grip. The shoulder strap had been repaired at the heel bar down the road at least three times to Delaney’s knowledge, but still she would insist.
This clearly IS criminal, but not exactly in the way either Richard or the Special Branch actually consider. Naturally his followers are drooling over this latest twist in Richard's life, which the rest of us are left with the Civil Rights violations and secrecy traditions currently evident in MI6.

This begs a few serious questions, most of which are glaringly obvious, so I won't waste your time by repeating them. Use the comments to bring them up.

I was initially quite suspicious of both Tomlinson, and his MI5 colleague, David Shayler when the both seemed to be poster boys of evidence for corruption against MI5 and Mi6. I buy into the whole secret-police arguments against MI5 & 6, I do, but these two seemed deliciously suspect to me. Take for example Shaylers comments about "plots" against Gadaffi, as well as Tomlinson's assertions about the plot against Diana was an MI6 conspiracy. Am I the only person to think this is all rather... convenient?

Anyway, civil liberties, spookdom... I'm guessing you're expecting a rant about how this is all rather troubling and how they're all bad bad people. Well... they are, but only because they're against Scottish Independence. Personally, I accept that a Scottish State will need an Intelligence Dept. to deal with Organised Crime or foreign powers. Having a conscientious foreign policy clears 90% of threats against you, in my opinion, but typically the second oldest profession does have it's uses.

Clearly the OSA is as archaic as it is barbaric, and the treatment of Tomlinson and Shayler - if they are indeed rogue agents - is reprehensible. So many policies to fix come independence, so little time...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Grant Morrison

Saw this on Teigan's blog and figured both my Scottish readers would be interested in this video.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Ever Closing Drums of Tribal Music

I haven't posted in a while, and aren't likely to until at least November. Poss Mid-oct but I'm busy. I've an anti-Union vid thing for Youtube to do, a flat to clean and delocate from for three weeks and a novel to write. I'm sure you understand.

To keep you going, I'm going to impart a wee bit of culture into your otherwise worthless lives. It concerns two of my favourite bands at the moment, neither of which (to my knowledge) plug their instruments in (I like Marlyn Manson as an example of my usual tastes...)

In the beginning was Clann an Drumma and it was good. Then someone took the huff and Albannach was formed. Not sure how, why, where, when and what "musical differences" caused the split but where there was 'one' so there became two.

Firstly, a (very) brief overview:

Wiki CnD:
Wiki Albannach:

CnD's website:
Albannach's Website:

What seemed to happen was the Joe MacKenzie wanted to rewrite the history of pipes and drums, did it, broke up his band a few times and there ended up being two bands wanting to play tribal music. Not wanting to relish in some dudes pain, but two bands as good as this deserve (a) a plug and (b) for us to like the fact that where there was one, now there is two. Am I sick to want another? (There's one called, Trybe, but I've not heard them yet. Answers at ...)

I'm sure you want to listen to see why I love them so much. Some musical interludes from their own websites:

Clann an Drumma:

Full list of tracks available is here:
Best track is this one:


Ripping stuff from Albannachs website is difficult (unless you have the CD itself and I like them too much for THAT kind of copyright infringement).

Stop at their Myspace website first to listen free and easy to their music:

Then go to their official "radio station" on their website here: (you'll need WINamp to hear it, and in my opinion a comment or two from the band in between their album tracks wouldn't go amiss).

Anyway, go off and have a listen and tell me you don't enjoy it.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My Country

I have a country.

I created it.

It is mine.

This is being posted as I've now got 500 million residents. I'm so proud... Well... not entirely. I seem to have been categorised "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy". I'd much prefer "Commie Scottish Bastard" but there doesn't seem to be an option.

Oh well...

Friday, September 08, 2006

A 419 Scam template reply

Dear Sir,

thank you for your 419 Scam, but at the present time - unfortunately - I am presently being detained by the CIA in one of their secret rendition prisons.

Man - torture sucks.

Anyway, until I am released here is a picture for you to enjoy.


On 9/8/06, tarek omar <> wrote:

Dear Friend,

Confidencial and top secret

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise. I am the bill and exchange manager in Bank of Africa. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.

We need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3million immediately to your account.The money has been dormant for may years in our Bank here without any body coming for it.

We want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer(the owner of the account)who died a long with his supposed next of kin in an air crash since July 2000.

We don't want the money to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you, so that my bank will release the money to you as the nearest person to the deceased cutomer.

Please we would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete if you are not interested.

Upon receipt of your reply, i will send you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 25% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to transact the business with us.

Bank Of Africa,Burkina Faso-West Africa
