Saturday, November 26, 2005

Scottish History in Schools

The Scottish Executive Minister, Patricia Ferguson, is about to announce educational changes which will lead to the abolition, in practical terms, of any teaching of Scottish history and culture in Scottish schools.

Please consider writing a note supporting Donald Smith's very concisely and diplomatically worded petition, to be handed in to the Scottish Parliament on St Andrew's Day, before Ms Ferguson makes her announcement.

If you would care to support the following petition prepared by Donald Smith, please email your support to him at

Donald thinks 500 names will be needed to make a real splash and catch the St Andrews Day opportunities. So please copy and paste this article and Email it as widely as possible through the week to everyone you know.

"This is our last chance before Patricia Ferguson's announcements, so we need to make this impressive - or desist." Donald Smith

Petition to be submitted to the Scottish Parliament on St Andrews Day, 30th

Recognising that critical self-awareness of Scottish history, literature and languages is vital to a confident, successful and outward-looking Scotland, we submit that the present arrangements for the study of these disciplines at primary, secondary and tertiary levels are inadequate, and request that they be reviewed and effective frameworks established to ensure that all citizens of Scotland have the opportunity to understand these key aspects of their own society and culture.

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