Sunday, October 29, 2006

SRSM Disaffiliates from the SSP

The following is a letter sent to the SSP [National Secretary Pam Currie] by the SRSM:

Dear Pam,

I write you to notify you that the SRSM platform has taken the decision to disaffiliate from the Scottish Socialist Party. This decision was taken at an EGM on Thursday 19 October.

The catalyst was certainly the recent handling of our motion to conference to entrench clause 5 of the Party's constitution – the third time that he motion has been talked out. You will be aware that the reasons given by the platform was the final straw, for some, who found the explanation unacceptable. I must say that the Chair's remarks, when questioned by one of our members, were highly subjective. We believe that over the past few years sections of the Party did not want this passed and sought to portray the motion as bureaucratic and anti-democratic.

However, the wider reason for our decision is the Party's minimal activity on the national question. While there is no doubting the SSP's unequivocal stance for a Scottish Socialist Republic that has been made clear in manifestoes, there is doubt within the SRSM about how the Party intends to carry it forward. We believe that our cause has been relegated behind a list of issues rather than made central to these issues. I do not mean to open up a long political argument. I merely intend to at least give you the courtesy of a reason. This was a majority decision. A minority of SRSM members, myself included, intend to stay in the Party as individual members. I trust that the SRSM's status as a cross-party movement will mean that this should not pose a conflict.

Yours faithfully,

Gerry Cairns



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