Monday, February 12, 2007

History from other perspectives

I haven't seen this news story much outside of the BBC website. I kind of hoped it would appear on some of the left wing websites I frequent, but it hasn't and I'm not about to pass it on. I'm guessing I'm one of the few whose interest this peaked.

Back in 1998 I was finishing up at University, started to get back involved in politics again and turning more towards Socialism (which I'd always liked "in principle" but I didn't fancy selling newspapers on street corners.

Then I read this, a rather spiky and well written document outlining the dying days of a Socialist organisation whose impact, militantism and history I only appreciated after I read up on them through this website. Including buying this rather fetching peice of literature:

I'm not trying to glamourise what they did, I'm just reiterating to you that politics has different perspectives and it's interesting to explore radical socialism which doesn't involve selling newspapers.

The happy medium for Scotland should be one where protesting at Faslane is acceptable, and not likely to end up being caught up in some orwellian purge.

I used to enjoy reading futuristic literature of the near future where a group of subversives battle some imperialist dogma while being filmed all the time, had biochips fitted and where civil rights were negotiable when it suited whichever administration was in charge.

But when you wake on the path you've watch on TV and start thinking that it was all a bit close to home, and Independence for Scotland isn't just an option, but necessary for domestic civil rights... When you wake up then you're either paranoid or as crazy as David Icke. Unfortunately David was right about a few of his predictions regarding the walls of the state closing in like the tomb walls in an Indiana Jones film.

I can just about deal with CCTV cameras. Some neds are wee bastards and the public needs to be protected. Knife crime needs to be stamped out. I have no bother with crime prevention for that. But when ministers start outlining vague schemes to target a minority population whose only crime is not to speak English? I start feeling uneasy. When we start funding racist political parties in the name of "democracy" I get just a smidge paranoid... And these are just two I've dug up today. I've whinged many, many times before on this blog about varying attacks on civil rights by the british state.

There's a whole ream of campaigns, anti-campaigns, demonstrations and contingents designed to point out aspects of the large cancer that is the british state. But the lessons from history in other political perspectives (one of which I've shown about with the RAF) show the path we're destined for if we don't start winning back our civil rights right here, right now.

Scottish NOT British
Vote Independence
May 3

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