Sunday, February 25, 2007

Movie Making

I'm not George Lucas, haven't been to film school, so when I obtained a fuzzy DVD of some home movie footage from the 80s and 90s with the instruction: "See if you can't get this into a better format, split up and back to me. Here's some CDs."

I can't deny, I was more than interested. In my naivety, I forgot to tell myself that I knew bugger all about converting this kind of stuff. Actually that's not entirely true. What I thought was: "How hard can it be?"

Occasionally over the past few months you'll have heard the odd rattling thump from this blog. It's not some cool new type of music (and this isn't myspace) it's my head rattling off a keyboard as I struggle with program after program trying to learn something that people go to film school for.

I've had to learn words like transcoding, encoding, VOB. It's still not done! My latest attempt at creating an AVI file (which I CAN use) from a VOB (that's DVD to you) is currently running in the background as I type this.

I think after this I'll use my newly learned skills to kill two birds with one stone: money and sex. If you need help with your porno call Mr. Kenny! (ahem).

The moral of this tale bloggerinos, is that if you ever hear yourself utter the words: "How hard can it be?" then back away from the monitor and go and have sex with something.

When do you see this masterpiece of movie making? You don't, I'm afraid. Only people involved in a secret society or join my cult* get to see the movie footage.

*and even this isn't guaranteed...

Next, let's plug the brand spanking new "Scottish Republican Voice" (created by someguy) as well as replug First Foot - by far the most entertaining forum I've read.

Finally, open letter to the BBC:

Dear BBC,

hello. I'm Kenny and I'd like to take issue with your BBC website headline: "World waits to hear oscar winners!"

One, I couldn't give a crap and you KNOW IT.

Two, when's Heather the Weather gonnae get a prime time show?



Friday, February 23, 2007

Reasons for Scottish Independence #13

When your armed services are nuttier than a squirrel's jobby, you KNOW it's time to fence off the border and train most of your farmers as militiamen and pray that the English Military Brass don't go even more postal than they already are...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reasons for Scottish Independence #12 - 5000 Posts

Well isn't THAT an effin' turnup for the books! 5000 human beings have read The Firefox Chronicles for the first time. The only Scottish Republican, Socialist, Dadaist and Situationist Blog on the internet has achieved a living, breathing milestone. And it's all for a Scottish Worker's Republic.

I'm touched. No... really.

I'm also machiavellian and rather conspiratorial of late. Some of my life feels like a Neurocam assignment even though I wasn't in it that long, and haven't read stuff on it for while. Weird.

But the world is going to be a safer place, your narrator read on the BBC website that Tony Blair is to bring home 1500 troops from I-raq (like I-pod but with more dead people). From the 7100 who are there, it means (according to MY mathemonics, that only 5600 human beings are being underequiped and get to die.


How happy is this republican?

I just can't put it into words.

I don't care if he has a retinue of bodyguards, I don't care if he's just there to make us think the sponging germans who rule us are "doing their bit". He's a royal, and he's near to Al Qua'eda. Maybe now SOMEONE will listen to the cries of the working classes who found themselves, through poverty, in a hell hole with a weapon and too little equipment and fully measured up for a body bag. All because Harry (son of James Hewitt) Wales is nearer to Osama than the government would like him to be.

When a working class Scot gets sent home (if we have the body, obviously) in a body bag no-one gives a damn. When it's the ruling classes, people listen.

But... it's okay. If we really ALL have to leave I-raq, we still get to keep all those nice weapons of Nuclear holocaust in Faslane, and all get to live in poverty in Glasgow and Edinburgh so that london gets our oil money, so it's okay. It really IS okay... we also get to allow ourselves to be lied to by a succession of Brit Left imperialists who trade their Marxist economics for an MI5 payroll and serve the 57 varieties of British Socialism and the British State.

Today is the 23rd February. The election is on May 3rd. Vote election. Between then use your anger to get us a vote for INDEPENDENCE.

"I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist. I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit. The death of one is a tragedy. The death of millions is just a statistic." Marilyn Manson - from the Video - How to Burn a Union Jack by the Nine of Diamonds Project

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Best Blog Header... Ever

I REALLY liked the Tubthumpers Blog when I read it today. You should read it... Even if it's only for the graphic I've included to the left...

My Holiday in San Andreas...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dear Spammers...

Dear Spammers,

whilst I appreciate your custom there are three points I wish to make.

Firstly, whilst I appreciate the benefits of Viagra in combatting erectile disfunction, I don't suffer from this and have simply no idea why you'd think otherwise. I also know, for a fact, that you have sent the same emails to my friend Alyson. She doesn't even HAVE a penis. How you think she's about to spawn one and find out that it is not working, all on the same night, is, at best, a zillion to one shot. Seriously.

Secondly, if you are going to send me letters saying that you unfortunately have ten million US dollars in your bank and can't find a bank account to transfer it into, I know you are a lying bastard. If I found myself a job in a bank and stumbled across a surplus ten million I'd have a fair idea what to with it other than write to an anonymous blogger and donate ten percent out of the spirit of kindness. Also, you don't actually think I'm about to trust someone who has (should I go against all my natural instincts and BELIEVE your emails) stolen a copious amounts of money from his traumatised and grieving relatives.

Thirdly, the "lottery win". Em... Just how dumb do you think I am? I mean... my god, deirdre, have you nothing better to do with your time? Like my Nigerian Amigos, you clearly have ten million stashed away somewhere and just HAVE to give it to me. I understand this concept. Clearly the world has dictated that Mr. Kenny should have lots and lots of cash, just not right now and YOU are my saviour.

Thank you for your time,


If you want something doing right...

Job done.

Well, how was your day?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Entertainment Tonight from the Firefox Chronicles!

You've got to admire how little of a fuck the Italians give about foreign countries. Can you imagine Union Jack McConnell sending diplomats from their Edinburgh embassay to trial?

It's interesting to walk through the mire of propaganda and realise how little you know. On another board, people were discussing this article about this tv show. Then a comrade mentioned an article which discussed the politics of Joel Surnow, the creator of 24.

How can someone like myself, Socialist, Republican and fully paid-up Independentista dig the torture and human rights abuses by anti-Hero Jack Bauer? Partly it's because I don't like programs like Shameless or Skins. I live in an urban environment, some of my mates have jobs, some don't, some people have sex, some don't, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. What I don't want to watch is some crappy TV rip-off of real life to remind me what I either SHOULD be doing, or how someone else is wandering aimlessly about their lives in THEIR way.

Take the office. I WORK in an office. I know people who dug the office because "it's just like in here." Aye, of course... How fucking self-involved is that? It's the same self-involved shinto that goes own when people justify - seriously - their own family nightmares being "just like the Simpsons."

I like different. I'm not going to go home from my job to watch TV and someone else going to THEIR job. It's why I broke "The Sims" CD in half twenty minutes after I put the fucking thing in my PC.

Typically, I like 24 and Jack Bauer because it is conservative propaganda. It's reverse psychology for me. It's a fantasy poll on torture in the modern era. It's also the only show (aside from Battlestar Galactica) which try to use those old Bogart-style alpha male characters. I like flawed genuis's and anti-heroes rather than your average wet metrosexual postcard man who's got all the charisma of your average second division player.

I'll update you (since you asked) about work on MY novel. It's almost done. I've two chapters to finish and bearing in a mind a cursory spell-check and etc it's done.

When it's done I'll be redesigning the blog and including it on the right hand side. This is because I'm putting it up on along with the photobook I put up there a while ago.

Rock X (pronounced rock ex and not rock ten as Karen in my work suggested at one point...) is a science fiction comedy in which the two main characters, Max and Kaz battle their way through various parallel universes to save their main compadre: YOU. Yep. You've gone missing and unless Max and Kaz find you all sorts of bad and unspecified things might happen. You got that right YOU are in my book. You've had sex with all the persons you've ever wanted and felt warm and squishy in several different parallel universes.

Monday, February 12, 2007

History from other perspectives

I haven't seen this news story much outside of the BBC website. I kind of hoped it would appear on some of the left wing websites I frequent, but it hasn't and I'm not about to pass it on. I'm guessing I'm one of the few whose interest this peaked.

Back in 1998 I was finishing up at University, started to get back involved in politics again and turning more towards Socialism (which I'd always liked "in principle" but I didn't fancy selling newspapers on street corners.

Then I read this, a rather spiky and well written document outlining the dying days of a Socialist organisation whose impact, militantism and history I only appreciated after I read up on them through this website. Including buying this rather fetching peice of literature:

I'm not trying to glamourise what they did, I'm just reiterating to you that politics has different perspectives and it's interesting to explore radical socialism which doesn't involve selling newspapers.

The happy medium for Scotland should be one where protesting at Faslane is acceptable, and not likely to end up being caught up in some orwellian purge.

I used to enjoy reading futuristic literature of the near future where a group of subversives battle some imperialist dogma while being filmed all the time, had biochips fitted and where civil rights were negotiable when it suited whichever administration was in charge.

But when you wake on the path you've watch on TV and start thinking that it was all a bit close to home, and Independence for Scotland isn't just an option, but necessary for domestic civil rights... When you wake up then you're either paranoid or as crazy as David Icke. Unfortunately David was right about a few of his predictions regarding the walls of the state closing in like the tomb walls in an Indiana Jones film.

I can just about deal with CCTV cameras. Some neds are wee bastards and the public needs to be protected. Knife crime needs to be stamped out. I have no bother with crime prevention for that. But when ministers start outlining vague schemes to target a minority population whose only crime is not to speak English? I start feeling uneasy. When we start funding racist political parties in the name of "democracy" I get just a smidge paranoid... And these are just two I've dug up today. I've whinged many, many times before on this blog about varying attacks on civil rights by the british state.

There's a whole ream of campaigns, anti-campaigns, demonstrations and contingents designed to point out aspects of the large cancer that is the british state. But the lessons from history in other political perspectives (one of which I've shown about with the RAF) show the path we're destined for if we don't start winning back our civil rights right here, right now.

Scottish NOT British
Vote Independence
May 3

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Glencoe Comment

I'd like to take this opportunity to put my "official" SRSM hat on and thank all members and friends who attended this joint event. I also thank you all for your patience with the traffic problems which caused the delay in the Glasgow contigents arrival.

Special thanks to Zed who gave a memorable and welcome speech. Thanks to Jim for piping for us (at pretty short notice as well I believe). Thanks to the Siol, Na Fir Dileas, Crann Tara and even the contingent from Embra Indy First who showed up. I've more than likely forgotton someone; best way to remedy that is to PM me who i've forgotten so that I can pretend I remember later on...

Donald was missed as he's currently skiving in hospital. We missed his historical input and personality. I'm sure he was sorry to miss the scattering of Dave Leadbetter's ashes (as well as a certain other event that happens at the end).

I'd also like to (publicly) thank Mr. Miles. Donald has been dealing with MM in helping to rebuild the SRSM Flag collection after a theft last year. If it wasn't for Mr Miles we simply wouldn't HAVE a flag collection right now. I'm not sure whether he would like be thanked or not, but he's been brilliant in helping us.

Most importantly, we were there to pay tribute to the dead of Glencoe and all others who have died because of tyranny in this country. We do it because we refuse to forget. We also refuse to consign those people to a history book. They were our brothers and sisters, and EVERYONE who turns up, does so because they recognise this.

We marched in silence. Well... you did. I didn't. I could hear Republicans marching alongside Jacobites alongside Socialists and alongside ordinary people. It should be incompatible. But it's not. Most of us believe in Independence. And we all were there for the same purpose. That, to me, was louder than the usual music we have playing when we march to the Glencoe monument.
Everyone there should be immensely proud. People were marching, some of whom want different types of an independent Scotland. But we all have the same respect for our ancestors, and I believe, for each other. I think the old Siol slogan (not sure who came up with it) "To act when words go unheeded" is most appropriate here.

I didn't get the chance to speak to everyone as much as I'd have liked, but I'll see you all somewhere else and make up for it.

I wanted to get a couple of things off my chest and "officially" thank you all.

Appendix: You won't recognise some of the names in this post. Use the links and investigate.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fluffy Bunny Rabbits

How evil are you?

Don' t say I didn't warn you. There was a meeting, a trial and some goats blood.

Shit happens.

Now where's the virgins?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Glasgow Bus for Glencoe

Every year the Glencoe Massacre is Commemorated.

We're running a bus from Glasgow for the Rally on Sunday.

The Glasgow Bus for Glencoe is 9:30am on Sunday Morning at George Square in Glasgow. Tickets up and back are £10 a head. You pay for your own food (I'm chasing up the Tulli Inn regarding the menu).

If you'll be in the neighbourhood, email me and I'll let you know more.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blog and Forum Patrol

Fucking Great Maker...

The hits on this blog have rocketed over the past week.

It all started with the "Reasons for Independence" posts. Some dude posted the posters onto a Spanish website. Then I posted them on the Siol site. They ended up on ITWP and Our Scotland.

I've been avoiding Our Scotland because of the amount of Brits on the forum. I don't know why. I can't be bothered arguing any more. I want to engage and persuade those who want to be persuaded.

It came about because I'm finishing off my novel. It's a science fiction comedy. I'm redrafting key sections, writing out characters, writing plots in and getting it ready for publication on lulu dot com. Sometimes you stare at blank pages waiting for some kind of inspiration and getting nothing. I browse to break up the periods when there's just nothing there to write. I put up a post on a few forums asking for ideas for posters. It worked.

I've also been playing Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. It inspired the second novel: the one more abjectly about Scottish Independence. I need to finish one to get to the other. The next one is about a guy caught up in a coup d'etat on Scottish Independence Day. It's an intense thriller with a Noir element woven in. I'm intending it to be a shorter affair than the Rock X novel. Rock X took three years to write. It was a fantastic experience, and there's only three chapters waiting to be rewritten before I feel it's suitable for posting. I even have a cover artist and an online publisher.

Glencoe is upcoming. Feb 11 in the morning at Glencoe Car Park. Put it in your diaries and come along. Arbroath is as well, but we'll get to that later.

Forumwise I'm browsing the Siol Forum and the Firstfoot Forum. My two faves this month. The Siol are debating the Homosexual adoption issue more heavily than anyone else, and Firstfoot are being typically droll about the universe in general. That's why I like firstfoot. They balance out the serious stuff. Like I said before, my love affair with Our Scotland has diminshed because of the volume of Brits on the forum. I'd like to say I'm done with the lies and the propaganda. I still end up on there, sooner or later... Our Scotland is the Film Noir girl in my own Noir Cumbernauld Story. I shouldn't love her, but I do... I keep going back, falling into that canyon like a Wile E. Coyote when gravity kicks in.

Communism and Radicaisml

Rage Against The Machine reform!

From Metalhammer

Search for more on Audioslave

Legendary rap metal pioneers to reunite for massive festival

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE have reportedly reunited for at least one show, playing at this yearÂ’s Coachella festival in California. According to a report in Billboard magazine, frontman Zack de La Rocha has remained on good terms with other band members and that the reunion show may in fact be only the first show in what could be a world tour. According to recent interviews, all the members of the band have been in regular contact with their former singer and have met socially, most notably in 2005 when de La Rocha and guitarist Tom Morello were photographed together at a protest in support of the South Central Farmers, whow were being forcibly evicted from their land.

While Tom Morello, Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk from the band have been active as members of Audioslave, de la Rocha has remained out of the public eye – bar a few low-key appearances – since the band split in 2000.

The solo album that he was reportedly working on has never been released and his collaboration with Trent Reznor was, according to the NIN man, not good enough to be released. He has recently been performing at political benefit shows with a Mexican band playing acoustic music.

The band have turned down all offers to reform and tour over the past few years.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Reasons for Scottish Independence #11

Courtesy of Jacobus:

Reasons for Scottish Independence #10

A reasonably controversial Firefox Chronicles today brothers and sisters... Maybe this will generate some real comments for a change... ;-)

Suggested posters from readers:

credit to Saorsa no Bas for this one:

and nicked from the SSP, this one:
